John's Ending: pt. 2

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You silently sat in your room.
It was late on a Friday night, and this time John stayed over at your place. He was asleep on the floor, in a pile of blankets.

The soft blare of light that illuminated your face quickly faded away. You set your phone aside. Pondering if the choice you made was right. What if Karkat doesn't take it so well..?

Maybe you should tell him...

You unlock your phone again, logging onto PesterChum and hovering your thumb over Karkat's Chumhandle.

After a moment of battling with yourself, you opened the chat. A clean slate of white just for you to lay down the decision you made.

Perhaps you're over thinking this. Maybe it'll all be fine.

You quickly typed a message. More or less an apology, and a quick explanation.

A minute later it spoils that he's typing. And the few seconds he takes to send it seems like an eternity.

'Okay. It's fine.' Is all it says, and you could feel his disappointment nailing into your heart, but, you gave a deep sigh. This was your life after all. And sometimes you have to make tough decisions...

Your eyes wander, staring through the dark at the slight outline of the sleeping Egbert on your bedroom floor.

...But shouldn't make any at all.


The next morning was a drag. And Karkat decided to sleep in until Kankri had to come up and wake him.

He usually doesn't do that though, to avoid an earful of lecturing from his loud-mouth relative.

He sighed, re-reading Y/N's text over and over. And as much as it tore away his heart, karkat knew this was coming.
If only he wasn't such an asshole..
He knew this was all his fault..

He huffed and rolled over, burying his head under a large pillow.

He didn't know what to do.
How he would face you.

But just because you don't like him back..shouldn't mean he should let you go completely right?

Who knew relationships could be so disappointing.

Homestuck Middle School ~John X Reader X Karkat~Where stories live. Discover now