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The smell of cigarettes permeates the air in a secluded area, a few walks behind Linden Nue University's Sport Service Complex, which caters to various sport-related clubs that the university offers.

"Kim Minji, stop fucking smoking." The voice was uttered in full annoyance.

The girl in a white tunic and pants who was holding the cigarette stick within her fingers ignored the command and continued to do her ruinous habit, which was to smoke. She pressed the end to her plump reddish lips and exhaled. It wasn't as bad as before, when she coughed in between puffs.

The cigarette stick seemed to sit between her candle-like fingers with ease, like they were created to hold one. The smoke emanating from her mouth wondered itself through the unwelcoming wind, forming wondrous patterns. She continued to breathe in silence.

"Captain, when will you ever stop that addiction of yours?" The voice from earlier came again.

"You're such a letdown, Rei." Kim Minji, the captain of LNU's Judo Club, scowled but stomped it out under her foot anyway. She picked up the stick and tossed it in the trash. She would be in trouble when someone came here and saw the remnants of what she did.

Naoi Rei, the vice captain of the club, could only stare at her with complete disgust. She didn't like seeing their captain smoke, and their traumatic experience when Minji was caught smoking using a Bunsen burner that she stole from one of the laboratories that medical students use left its mark on her psyche. The one who caught them as she was with Minji at that time was the feared student council president, Kang Haerin.

Kang Haerin looked immaculate wearing the white laboratory gown, but her eyes glaring at them with such intensity—nearly akin to bloodlust—was a memory that Rei would never forget. She doesn't get scared easily, but that girl scares her a lot. They were punished by having to clean half the gym for a week because of that. They were close to dying because that area wasn't as small as the gyms in normal universities. And the vice captain doesn't want a repeat of that particular scenario again. 

"If you want to get caught by that tyrant again, don't drag me into your mess." She didn't wait for her captain's answer and flicked the book she was reading to the current page she had bookmarked earlier.

"This boring nerd." Minji chuckled.

"That's rich coming from someone who visits the library when people are already asleep." Rei fought back.

She didn't hear any answer from the captain at all. She whipped her head in their club captain's direction and met with the gentle touch of the wind. Minji has already left. Crude. 

Rei could only hope that Minji would steer clear of trouble this time. She swears that they could pass as student council members because they almost always visit the council's disciplinary facility, and for unpleasant reasons, of course. Courtesy of none other than her esteemed captain, Kim Minji.

She's not sure, but there are times that she feels that Minji is wrecking havoc in the university on purpose. Knowing that the president dislikes such events, her captain continues to do things that could possibly make Kang Haerin's patience even thinner. It's like Minji is waiting for her to snap and lose her wits, which Rei personally thinks is impossible. 

Kim Minji and Kang Haerin go a long way back. Rei didn't know the full story. Even the other students didn't know why they became hostile toward each other. And no matter how close she is to the Judo captain, Minji never opens herself to anyone. All she knew was that they were close back then, and after their friendship fell apart, Minji changed. 

Rei could only shrug her shoulders, brushing off her curiosity. The alarm in her phone rang, which signals her next class. She fixed her royal blue badge on her uniform and stored the book she was reading earlier in her bag. She'll find her captain later; they got the same last subject anyway. 

"Hello, Danielle. You look great today!"

"Marsh, arcade later?"

"Good morning, 4th."

"June, let's eat later. I have a restaurant in mind. Don't worry, my treat."

Danielle entered their room and was greeted by her classmates, with whom she was close. With her vibrant personality, which she always shows to everyone around her, it goes unsaid that she has the favor of anyone. 

She smiled and politely answered those who greeted her. It was such a busy day for the girl, and yet she had more energy to spare to pretend that she likes everyone here.

The treasurer stared at Reese, the one who had called her June earlier. She hates being called by her second name, unless it's Haerin. The president was the first one to call her that, and she forbade others to do so since she liked how the word "June" rolled off Haerin's tongue. The president's reason was that her first name, "Danielle," was too long for her.

She became somewhat close to the girl, but she doesn't like how she clings to her these days. The heiress of the Marsh clan was drowning in her thoughts; her mood was going to turn dismal in seconds. She knows that it cannot be dispelled even if she performed spectacularly in her academics today. However, her thoughts was cut off by the arrival of their professor.

Having finished the practical tests for her prerequisites, Danielle was one of the last students to leave the room. Her thoughts were being dominated by her president. She could only wonder how Haerin's doing at the moment. 

Danielle, along with her textbooks, sashayed through the corridors. The college of medicine is near their department, and she still has time to steal a glimpse of the one who's been on her mind since her schedule started.

The medicine department was quite loud today, which was unusual. Most of the students here had a lot on their plates, and it was uncanny of them to pay attention to the ruckus that was happening in front of her. 

There were the captain of the Judo Club, Kim Minji, and a certain student, whom Danielle had no recollection of, fighting each other. Danielle knew Minji, and like the sons of the business magnates her father forced to introduce her to, she hated the girl to the core.

Danielle reverted her eyes on the scene. The poor medical student was on the floor, with Minji overpowering her. No one dared to interfere; they knew of Minji's reputation. Danielle was also aware that the captain spares no one. It would be unfortunate to be on her negative side. 

Despite being only a second year, Kim Minji's atrocious ways were not something you would ignore if you're not new in the university. Her aggression goes way beyond bearing the burden of humiliation and begging for mercy. 

Author's Note: For clarification, Danielle June Marsh was also called "4th" because of her overall rank. It also equates to her as the treasurer of the student council, the fourth in order, coming next to the council's secretary.

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