perfect *fluff*fem Y/N

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Sorry I haven't posted I was busy with school and stuff but it's here now

Nobody's POV:
Y/n was just resting on the couch waiting for inko to get home with there son Izuku, Izuku was a sweet boy he is only 10, she met him after going on a few dates with inko and the relationship started to get more serious, he was 3 at the time and they got along quickly especially after she proposed to inko when he was 6.

As y/n was remembering the past, smiling softly she heard the front door open and izuku flung himself on top of y/n.

"Mom!! Guess what I did at school today!!"-izuku

Y/n got up and held Izuku in her arms

"Yeah what happens my little green dove??"-y/n

"I aced a test, I got a 100/100 mom!!"-izuku

"Oh izu I'm so proud of you I knew you could do it, how about we go and make you favorite food with mama, how does that sound mama??"-y/n

Inko blushed lightly as she heard y/n, inko smiled lightly.

"Of course, when can I say no to my favorite 2 people!"-inko

*After making food and eating*

"That was so good I feel like I'm gonna explode!! Thank you mama!"-izuku

"You're welcome Izuku"-inko

"Y'know Izuku if you keep eating you are gonna explode, and I'm gonna squeeze you in a hug till you pop!"-y/n

Y/n got up from her seat and tackled Izuku in a hug, squeezing him as he was laughing yelling "no's" and "put me downs" until Izuku was tired as inko sat in her chair smiling softly at her little family, she was glad she found the love of her life.

Y/n let Izuku down as he was already asleep, y/n smiled softly as she put Izuku in bed and shut the door. Y/n grabbed inko and started to dance, inko laughed at her wife's tactics but she danced as well to the invisible music in the air, y/n pulled inko to the middle of the living room and started to massage her stretch marks on her stomach and softly kissing her neck from behind her, inko smiled and relaxed still slow dancing together.

"You're perfect mi amor, you are everything I love in a person and more."-y/n

"Even when I'm fat and have stretch marks??"-y/n

"Love, I don't care if your fat, skinny, or average, I love you, also this "fat" as you call it is a stomach that brought life in this world and proudly shows it in its own way and these stretch marks on your beautiful, perfect body, shows it fought and lived threw pain to bring in life and that life is Izuku, you created him, the miracle, something small in you and you grew it, making it healthy, making it live, so yes I would love you because you my perfect beautiful wife made me love you in any shape or form."-y/n

"Oh y/n you know how to make me fall for you all over again everyday also I love you"-inko

"I love you too beautiful"-y/n

Y/n and inko both went to bed and had a nice sleep just being by each other and izuku coming in a hour later and snuggling between his two mothers, they weren't the perfect family, they all had flaws but they loved each other and that's what matters to them.

Hope you lived it.

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