Chapter 1: March 23rd 2020

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As I was riding my bus to go home thoughts raced through my mind "what should I do since I have an extra two weeks off? I could play in the rain if there is any. Help mom with the baby  but that would be less fun than the rest of my ideas I have in mind, but it would help mom out a lot." My thoughts were interrupted as the bus stopped. I grabbed my backpack and looked around for my friend who also got off at my stop. She was more towards the front of the bus, so I started walking down the aisle to go meet up with her as I called out her name "Amelia!" I was about five feet behind her when she spun around in a hurry to see I was the one calling her. "Oh! Hey Charlotte!" She stood still until I reached her, we then started walking off the bus towards our neighborhood. Once we got to our neighborhood we started walking down our street talking about the boys we liked, the ones we didn't, you know classic middle school drama. When we finally got to our street I stood in-front of my house on the sidewalk looking down the road making sure Amelia got to her house safe and sound, when I got her thumbs up of approval I knew she was alright as I started walking towards my front door. As I grabbed my key from my back pocket I could smell moms famous homemade enchiladas from the doorstep. I swung the door open greeting my mom as I walked in, I was about to tell mom the news I heard at school today when she told me "I know Mija you have two more weeks of spring break, the school called me earlier today and told me." Wow is there anything that my mom doesn't know? "That's good ma if you didn't know I would've told you, anyways I'm gonna go to my room and put my stuff down" For some reason I was very tired that day and we didn't even do that much in P.E "Okay Charlotte, love you!" I heard my mom say as I was heading upstairs "Love you too ma" Once I got upstairs I put my bag down by my bed and laid down on my bed. As I was drifting off to sleep my mom called me from downstairs "Charlotte dinners ready!" I already knew what we were going to be eating but headed downstairs anyways "Coming!" I started walking downstairs while I heard the TV blasting. "Hey sweetie if you could do me a favor can you grab us both a drink?" I guess now I'd have to do another favor, but she did make the food so I shouldn't be complaining. "Okay want lemonade or Dr Pepper?" I always ask my mom from the kitchen because I'm to lazy to walk over there and ask "Dr Pepper please!" I knew she'd pick Dr Pepper, she loved that drink more than anything. "Okay" I grabbed two Dr Pepper cans out the fridge as I started to walk towards the dining room table. It seemed like mom was listening to the news again, I wonder what they're talking about today? "Thanks for making dinner mom" My mom does so much for me and I never really even say thank you that often. "You're welcome dear" Poor thing I bet being a single mom is hard. "Breaking news, we have just received more information about the Covid-19 outbreak" Hm I wonder what they know now? "We have just found out that all citizens will now have to remain inside until the end of spring break, we recommend that you stay inside your homes as it is the best way to not catch the virus. That is all the news we have today, stay safe" That was strange. "Well isn't that exciting!" Oh right mom's here, I must have spaced out while watching "Yeah schools boring" I was finishing up my dinner when my mom said something "By the way could you do me a favor and throw away my plate?" I knew she was going to ask that "Okay" I say as mom gives me her plate from across the table "Thank you mija" "Of course ma" I got up to go throw away our plates when I remembered I had some math homework to do "Mom I'm going to head up to my room to catch up on some math homework!" "That's okay sweetie!" So after I threw away our plates I headed back up to my room and pulled out my notebook and math sheet.

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I was tired after I was done doing my homework that day so I decided to go to bed early that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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