Lovers and kids chapter 7

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Chapter 7


I was at work when Rebecca came up there. Rebecca walked in my office and throw papers on my desk. I didn't know why she throw papers on my desk. "I want a divorce" Rebecca said. I didn't know why she did but I wasn't going to divorce her I loved her. I told Rebecca that I loved her. "No you don't if you did you wouldn't be having an affair" Rebecca said in a pissed and upset voice. I didn't know how she found. "Yea I know about you and Phoebe" said Rebecca. I didn't know what to say but I wasn't going to let her go. I tried to hug her but she back away and told me not to touch her. I told Rebecca that I loved her to much to lose her. "No Sarah I'm done all you are is a cheater" said Rebecca. I knew Rebecca probably didn't mean it. Rebecca thought that the whole time being together was a lie but it wasn't none of it was a lie it was all true. I kissed Rebecca but she pushed me away once my lips touched hers for like two seconds. Rebecca told me to get away from her but I didn't I kissed her again and told her that I loved her. "If you love me then stop cheating on me" Rebecca said in a painful way. I quit cheating cause I ain't going to lose Rebecca. Phoebe walked in I told her that what me and her had was over. That's when more stuff got more worst. Phoebe told Rebecca how I said that Phoebe was better at sex then Rebecca was. Which that wasn't true yea I said that but Rebecca was better then anyone. Me and Rebecca got in another argument. I sign the papers then walked out. As I walked out Rebecca was telling me not to leave but I wasn't going to listen. An hour later I was at home packing my things from mine and Rebecca's house. I was up in the bed room getting my clothes when Rebecca walked in. "Where you going" said Rebecca. I told her I was leaving and that's when Rebecca said that i wasn't leaving that I was staying. I looked at her and that's when Rebecca said that she loves me and don't want me to leave her. I told her I loved her too and hugged her. I loved Rebecca so much it hurt when she said she wanted a divorce. Two months later.. I was in the kitchen cooking when Rebecca ran in there all happy. " Sarah we got it" Rebecca said I didn't know what she was talking about at first till she said we got the papers so where we can adopt a kid. The next day Rebecca and I went up to the adoptions place to get a kid. I could tell Rebecca was happy I knew she wanted a kid so I was letting her get one scene we can't get her pregnant we have already tried and it wasn't working so we went to this idea. We got to the adoption place and we was looking around with one of the works when my phone started to go off. Rebecca knew it was my work she didn't want me to answer the phone but I had to. When I answered my phone Rebecca got upset. I got off the phone and Rebecca knew I to go. Rebecca didn't want me to go but I had to. I told Rebecca she could chose the baby then I kissed her and left. I didn't wanna left her like that but I had to I didn't wanna lose my job which that was all I was caring about right now.

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