Part 6

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"Look Maya I'm sorry for bringing that up but it's true." He started to reach his hand out to me but I quickly pushed it away. It's ok Maya calm down that wasn't your fault, I kept repeating that phrase in my head to get a control over the constant flow of tears that sprung from my eyes. I hated showing this side of myself, I rarely ever cried to begin with but never in front of other people besides Ryan. She always argued that didn't show enough emotion and that I wasn't a robot void of all emotion and that was ok. Which I agreed with but hardly ever took into real consideration.

I was brought out my thoughts by the mention of ice cream from Winston. That was just enough to perk me up enough to stop crying. Food always made me happy, in all honesty food was the only way people ever got me to do a lot of things. Muttering a small ok from the back seat I felt the car lurch back into motion, never being fully aware that we had even stopped. A thick silence had rested on the car as the scenery from outside rolled past us. I sat quietly staring out of the window lost in my own thoughts, this always happened when people brought up Mia. Within what felt like just minutes we had stopped, and pulled up to the local Ice cream parlor. An overly happy plastic young boy greeted us at the with a sign referencing today new flavors.

"Here you go," I said handing him the ice cream and taking a seat next to him on the side walk. The day was perfectly hot with just a touch of wind to keep things at least habitable. As soon as Winston's hands were on the waffle cone his eyes lit up like a little boy on christmas. He hungrily lapped at the now melting deliciousness, getting it all over his hair and face. I giggled at him also taking in a large spoonful of my own strawberry covered heaven. "Are you laughing at me?" he threw a hand over his heart and mock offense played in his voice. "Maybe Winnie pooh is that a problem?" cooing at him and tucking a finger under his chin jokingly. Yes, I know I was supposed to be extremely mad at him, but after thinking about Mia again all of the fight was taken out of me.


After we finished our ice cream we made amends and Winston drove me back home. "Maya!" my moms voice bellowed once I had entered the house. I followed her voice which lead me to the kitchen, taking a seat across from her I turned my attention towards the TV which was currently running an episode of some soap opera. "Where were you last night?" A deep scowl pressed into her face I already knew what was running through her mind. "Look mom..." I breathed in a heavy sigh in preparation for the storm of anger that was coming my way. "I was at Ryan's party with Winston and Chris."

The coffee mug shaking slightly in her hand she blew a steady breath of air outwards. "Chris as in Chris Drake?" nodding slightly she placed the mug on the table and licked her lips. Theres no denying that my mom ad always blamed Chris for he death of Mia. Through her eyes HE was the one that got her hooked on drugs, through her eyes HE was the one that made her leave that night and HE was the one that took her daughter away.

"Don't tell me you're using too." She practically slurred at me. I could see the tears welling in her eyes. At that moment I could see all of the stress these couple years have put on her, wrinkle lines buried deep in her forehead and the bags under her eyes were proof of her struggles. "Mom," my voice softer than previously. "We aren't the same person I saw what it did to her I'm going to do that myself, and I'm going to do that you and dad either." A tight smile breaking across her face. She trusted me but there was still a hint of worry deep in her eyes. "Ok baby girl well I'm going to go take a nap today has been a long day for me." A nervous giggled escaped her lips as she made her way down the hall to her bedroom.

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