Part 2

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I was home with in minutes, much to do with the sudden pep in my step. Which may or may not be a result of the recent series of events. This is the most excited I've been about one of Ryan's parties in a long ass time.

Ryan was always super outgoing and honestly the only reason I ever talked to anyone I didn't know. Not to mention my savior in any social situation she happened to attend with me. Our parents always used to joke about how it was we were even friends since our personalities differed so much. In all honesty I barely knew myself.

I quickly fished my keys from the front pocket of my back pack, and promptly opened the door. I stepped inside dropping my backpack heading upstairs towards my bedroom. "Mom!" I yelled knowing she probably wasn't home. More than likely she was still at the hospital finishing her shift. After searching the house for her to no prevail I sighed glad to see I was alone.

I walked into the kitchen looking for anything semi edible. I eventually settled on ramen, I put a pot of water on the stove, dropped in the brick of noodles and place the cover over the pot.

As they cooked I texted Ryan telling her about what happened on my way home. Needless to say she was extremely proud me for the fact that I didn't break down into a liquidifed mound of social awkwardness. It happens more than you would think.

After finishing my noodles I retreated to my room back pack in tow. Settling down with my books built around me like a learning fort. I checked my phone screen to determine how much time I had before Ryan arrived. I had like 15 minutes so I decided to just get started reading The Giver for English.

Not far into the read I heard the door bell ring, signaling Ryan's arrival. I ran down the stairs not wanting to leave her in the cold more than she'd already been. I threw open the front door revealing Ryan's short skinny figure, her arms cradling dozens of dresses and also her makeup and hair supplies.

"Hey hun." She said stepping into the house and giving me and air kiss since her hands were currently occupied. "Salutations." I replied jokingly doing a little curtesy and grabbing an arm full of the dresses. I proceeded down the hall leading the way towards my room.

It'd been an hour or so after Ryan arrived and much to her annoyance I had failed to do more than take a shower. I was currently sitting on my couch watching the latest episode of ghost adventures-arguably the most amazing show on television besides American horror story- I had some how managed to convince Ryan to sit down and watch with me. Now she to was sucked up into the investigation being conducted by Zach, Aaron, and Nick.

It wasn't until we hit a commercial that what ever spell she was under had broken. "Maya come on we have to get ready we already wasted a ton of time." She said in a sad attempt to get me to move up from my seat. My mind slowly drifted towards Winston the only reason I wanted to goto this party in the first place.

I walked into my room realizing that Ryan was busy at work organizing the dresses by both color and length. I immediately headed towards the darker end of the spectrum while Ryan stayed toward the pastels. I picked up the first one I saw and looked it over quickly. The dress was simple it was black with straps and a sweetheart neck line. I ran over to my dresser grabbing my lacy black push up bra and matching black underwear, before rushing off to the bathroom to change.

"Ryan can you zip me?" I asked emerging from the bathroom turning my back towards her and moving my hair out of the way. In order to give her better access to the zipper running up the back of the dress.

When we were both finally done getting dressed we moved on to makeup. Or more like Ryan moved on to makeup because truth be told letting me run around with lipstick and eyeliner is like having a toddler go nuts on your face with a permanent marker. It can only end bad and will probably result in a casualty.

After a few minutes of getting poked in the face with various bottles of both liquids and powders. Ryan finally stepped back and looked at me like she was Da Vinci and she'd just finished painting Mona Lisa. Looking at myself I was pleased Ryan had actually obeyed my orders of a light makeup job. I beamed, "Might I just say you look bomb as fuck and if I was Winston I would gladly fuck you." Ryan added causing me to blush. She was so weird sometimes but I guess that was sort of a super sweet compliment. Once we were done curling our hair Brent, Ryan's boyfriend came to pick her up. Leaving me alone until Winston and Chris got here.

I spent most of my time waiting trying to catch popcorn in my mouth and then later cleaning up all of the fallen kernels. After about 5 minutes of constant failure I realized how bad I actually was at this and just turned on the tv. Seeing as I had wasted a majority of my free time popping and cleaning popcorn. I decided to on just getting everything I needed for the party ready and practice walking in the high heels Ryan had leant me for tonight.

The first step barely took anytime, within a minute my phone and keys were safely tucked away in a little purse I had found lying around. The walking in heels part was the one thing I was genuinely afraid of. I strapped myself up in the shoes bringing back memories of 6 year old me going skating with my family every Saturday night. I sighed deeply taking a breath and then standing up entirely straight venturing out to take my first steps.

It started off a little shaky leaving me feeling like a new born deer, but that quickly subsided along with my shaking knees. The next few steps were more confident as I model walked down the hallway giving a little turn and pose at the end. I have no clue why I didn't wear heels more to be completely honest with you.

I was some where into my 2nd lap around the house when the door bell rang startling me, and ultimately ended with me falling straight on my face. As I rose from my spot on the floor I coughed a little scurrying upward and toward the door. I whipped open the door my breathing slightly uneven-who knew running In heels was this tiring-I found Winston standing there with his arm supporting himself against the door post. I sat for a second in awe of his simple white shirt and dark jeans, his biceps completely exposed due to the short sleeves of his shirt.

"You look hot." I breathed speaking my thoughts out loud. The second those words left my mouth I started actually slapping myself mentally, did I honestly just say that? Now I was starting to think that the fall had more of an effect on me than originally thought. Winston just giggled thank God and broke into a heavily dimpled smirk. "Oh whatever," I sighed poking him in the stomach causing him to giggle more. This man was just too fucking adorable like this had to be illegal. I sighed heavily pushing past his frame in the door walking towards the running car.

I sat down eagerly in the back seat pulling out my phone to avoid the silence in the car. Seconds after I had sat down I heard the door to the right of me open signaling that Winston had finally left his post at my door. "Alright Chrissy lets go!" Winston said to his now groaning older brother.

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