Chapter 5 ❤︎

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"I Can't Change Where I'm From, But I Can Change Where I'm Going"
- Ryan Atwood

" joy definitely would of called by now, I'm telling you somethings wrong!" Patricia shouted gaining the the attention of the rest of the students, and annoying most of them. " Patricia, give it a break, your driving us crazy," Jerome responded and to be honest he was right it was actually very annoying, Mia wanted to be there for her friend, she really did. "Perhaps joy really is staying with family and she's not allowed her phone," Mia stated.

"Oh come on Mia, don't tell me you believe this rubbish, you know joy, she was addicted to her phone she wouldn't let it out of her sight!" Patricia said losing her patience, the only thing was ,she was right, this wasn't like joy, but she couldn't tell her friend that, if she was going to tell her anything she was going to need proof.

" Jerome,some of us are worried about joy even if your not," Mara said to the boy who took no interest in what she had to say and instead just mocked and ignored her. " did you get a response to the email you sent her last night?" Amber asked joining the conversation. " no, ooh, I know why don't  we just question the American, I'm telling you she has something to do this!" Patricia getting excited at proving everyone wrong, but her being here probably was a coincidence. " Patricia, I love you, your my best friend, but maybe her being here is a coincidence?" Mia asked. " I'm telling you she knows something!" Patricia insisted, annoying everyone at the table.

"What about the business with the mirror?" Patricia continued earning a quiet response from everyone. "You don't believe me do you?" Patricia said getting a response from Amber, " yes we do it's just that mick saw Alfie on our corridor, he probably had something to do with it," Amber replied.

Patricia scoffed, " Alfie may be stupid, but he wouldn't pull a stunt like that, you know that, there are some limits even he has," Patricia said making Jerome and Mia laugh and Alfie gasp. "Are we talking about the same Alfie?" Jerome continued "the same one who put cling film on the toilet and there was pee everywhere for a week or when he put dye in the shower and turned Mia's hair purple, OR even the time when he convinced everyone to go along with a prank that had you believe Amber wasn't real."

" Patricia,joy's not here,she couldn't of written it, how about after school we'll do some digging and see if we can find anything?" Mia asked. Patricia nodded stormed away when the mention of Nina came into the conversation. Which of course had Mara worrying that she'd done something to the girl.

"Oh thank god, she's getting more annoying by the second," Jerome said before Mia nudged him and chased after her best friend. "Patricia, come on, we'll find out what's going on. It's just going to take a while," Mia said calming her best friends nerves instantly.

"Okay,but I swear if something has happened to her, Nina is the first person to get the blame!" Patricia continued as Mia hugged her best friend.

Hey,been a while, sorry I've been taking ages to update, I've been dealing with school and exams (GCSEs) but I have finished school for summer and will be able to fit more writing time into my schedule and will be posting on a better schedule. I'm sorry this chapter is short, I just wanted to get a chapter up.

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