Chapter 6 ❤︎

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"Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. I say, fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back"
—  joe black

"Come on, Trish, I'm sure joy will turn up soon, she probably just needs time to get used to her new situation, there's no point in taking it to heart," Mia said comforting her best friend.

"Either that or she's dead!" Jerome said laughing, which only made the entire situation worse, although Jerome being Jerome didn't really care, so he got a good smack on the back of the head from Patricia who was not in the mood to be annoyed.

"oi, Mia, are you really going to let her do that?" Jerome said gaining mia attention to which simply laughed and said "Yes" and left leaving Patricia, Jerome and Alfie in a room together it wasn't long before Mia heard Patricia yelling at Jerome to shut up and the sound of slamming doors.

I mean don't get me wrong Mia loved Patricia, but even Mia could admit she could be a bit whiny and annoying but that was just Patricia being herself.

Taking a deep breath Mia reached for headphones and blasted taylor swift, Mia was definitely a true Swiftie, everyone knew it, especially Jerome considering he knew Mia like the back of his hand even if she didn't know it, once Jerome was in Mia's head, the thought of him wouldn't go away for a long time. it was 15 minutes into her music session that she realised that she was going to be late for school. and when she went downstairs everyone had left and she was the only one still at the house, surely she would be thought that Patricia would've told her or at least waited for her but Mia knew she was just worried about joy and she would be back to normal sooner or later.

Walking down the stairs, Mia bumped in to Trudy, who was just as shocked to see her as she through she would of left with Patricia ages ago. " Mia, what are you doing here? Your going to be late?" She said nicely and increasing her tone.

"Oh Patricia didn't tell me, that she was leaving, and it seems that no one else did either,sorry Trudy I wish I could talk more but I don't want detention with mr sweet again," Mia exclaimed as she walked out door, walking past Nina talking to some old woman, Sarah or Emily or whatever she was feeling at the time, Mia knew Sarah as she used to help at the nursing home where she volunteers. Putting her ear phones in and blasting back to December by Taylor swift as she walked to school.

When all of a sudden she got a fright, turns out Jerome was also late and decided it would be a good idea to scare the girl to death nearly. "Jerome you idiot, what are you doing, you almost gave me a heart attack?!" The girl shouted at a laughing Jerome. "Hahahaha, oh my, Mia, your such a scaredy cat," Jerome said putting his arm around her and walking with her , not knowing it made her blush,surely he did this with everyone,right?


"I thought you were walking to school with Alfie," Mia said gaining the boys attention,to which he responded " so did i turns out he left with Amber, you know he really likes her."
"Well looks like we've both been abandoned," Mia said earning a confused glance from Jerome, "I thought you were walking with Patricia, where is she anyway," "oh she left without me, you know this joy drama is really starting to get to her," Mia said explaining the situation.

"Oh come on, you and me both know that joys fine, she probably just forget to say goodbye, and her phone... and all of her stuff," Jerome continued and the more he said the more they both thought something was indeed strange with joys disappearance, Jerome could see that Mia was starting to freak out, and did what any other 'friend' would do, he  told her it was all going to be okay, before hugging her, resting his chin on the top of her head, Mia hadn't  been comforted like this since she arrived at Anubis house, and she wished it would last for longer but what she didn't realise is Jerome wanted the exact same thing, they pulled apart and it took a lot of courage for what Jerome was going to say next.

"Hey, um,do you fancy watching a film with me after school... and Alfie of course," Jerome said making sure to not make it sound like a date, which is exactly what both of them wanted, but of course neither of them knew that.

"Yeah,actually I'd love to.It'll take my mind of this joy and Patricia drama, thanks Jerome," Mia said smiling.

"We can sneak downstairs after 10, if Victor's asleep,"Jerome said getting gradually excited,in Jerome's head it finally felt like he was getting closer with Mia, and to be honest he couldn't be happier almost like he was a step closer in telling Mia how he felt about her. Little did he know that Mia was thinking the exact same thing.

By the time they had finished their conversation,they had reached school and luckily weren't late and whilst Jerome went to find Alfie and Mia went to find Patricia, they both had huge smiles on their faces.
Mia couldn't hide the smile on her face and it was soon noticed by Amber and Patricia, who were eager to be included in the gossip.

"What are you smiling about?" Amber asked excitedly, almost eager to know what was going on."Jerome asked me to watch a movie with him and Alfie!" Mia whisper shouted. "Omg,finally a date,I told you, the boy is totally in love with you," Amber exclaimed. "It's not a date, Alfie's going to be there as well," Mia remembered, almost disappointed. But at least it was a chance. "He said it would calm my nerves about joy and just my anxiety in general, he's just being nice, I'm sure he's like this with everyone." Mia continued.

"Mia, you have known Jerome since year 7, you defo know that he annoys everyone except you and Alfie, I'm telling you,he likes you," Patricia said excited.

"Okay say he does like me what do I do, what do I wear, omg this is so exciting and stressful at the same time," Mia exclaimed.

"Don't worry, we'll help you, there's no need to panic," Patricia said calming her nerves instantly.

Hey guys, longer chapter this time what did you think.
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