Chapter 2

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First day

"First day of school and I've been late 3 times" I turned to Haley while we sat at the table outside of school

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"First day of school and I've been late 3 times" I turned to Haley while we sat at the table outside of school

"Why didn't you just ask me to chaperone you around?" she asked writing in her books

"Because you got all this Nathan thing going on, I don't wanna intrude" she looked up with a stare "I'm kidding"

"You better be" she went back to staring at her books "why don't you just ask Mouth"

"I'll do" I stood up and closed my books "see you later Hales" I picked up my bag and placed it over my right shoulder

I found Mouth standing around the table with the rest of the crew "yo Mouth"

"Hey Jay" he turned his attention to me

"I need someone to walk me around, since I've been late for the last 3 classes" I said making him laugh "it's really not that funny"

"Jayson Carter to coach Whitey's office immediately" the speaker announced "Jayson Carter to coach Whitey's office immediately"

"Well do you need me to show you to the office?" He picked up his bag as I nodded


"Coach" I knocked on the open door of his office

"Come in son" he motioned for me to enter "so your father called and he insisted on you to be on the team"

"Not surprised" I sighed

"So you wanna play?" He sat back in his chair "I've watched you play at your last school and let me tell you, you are one of the best players I've seen"

"Thanks coach" I smiled "and yes I do wanna play"

"Alright" he clapped "practice after school don't be late"


"So how was practice" is the first thing I heard opening the front door "do you make the team"

"Hello to you too dad" I took off my jacket "and practice was alright but I don't know if made the team yet"

"Good" he kept staring at the TV "go get ready, we're going to an old friends party later"

"Dad" I complained "I don't wanna go to your lame friend's parties"

"I don't care you're going, wear a suit"

And that was the end of the conversation, I didn't wanna argue since I knew how my dad is, anything I say or do gets him angry and sometimes when he drink enough he hits me "discipline me" if that means giving me a black eye then he's doing it super well


After hours of just them talking about the basketball team and cheerleaders I finally managed to get away from everyone, Lucas was the only one that wasn't a pain in the ass to talk to

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