Chapter 1. The Purple Eyed Boy

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By: ?


October 17th, 1717

"T-this.. wasn't meant to happen."

The mother of Judas Wolfgang, Estelle Christian, cried in fear as she stared down at her newborn son. The father, Caspian Wolfgang, eyed Judas before chuckling to himself. "What's wrong with his hair?" He asked with a smirk. "I'm unsure. But-" A gasp escaped Estelle's lips when the baby boy opened his eyes. They were a beautiful bright purple. Not too dark and not too light. Just a perfect purple. Estelle 'aww'd while Caspian sneered. "What are you going to name him, Estelle? I don't have all day." Estelle instantly knew a clever and quite unique name for her little boy. "Judas. Judas Caspian Wolfgang." Caspian glanced down at Estelle. "I know I probably won't be around for very long so I don't want him to remember me by having my name as his middle name." Estelle looked up at her client with a shameful look on her face.

"That is quite smart. As you know what will happen to you for getting pregnant and having a child." Estelle nodded, tears welling up in her eyes already. She gently handed Judas to Caspian who carefully took him and held him properly in his arms. Estelle stood up from her seat and walked away with the men who were guiding her to her death. Caspian and Estelle gave each other one last glance before turning their backs on each other. Judas started to whine since he couldn't feel the warmth of his mother anymore while Caspian left the building with a solemn look on his face.

He looked down at his son in his arms and smiled. "I will try my best, okay?"

A loud scream broke the silence.

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