Chapter 3. Remembering Tragedy

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April 1st, 1728

The spring was soon to come, and the ten year old boy couldn't wait for it. He adored the spring and yet he didn't know why. He thought it was because the snow would have melted by then, but he knew that wasn't true. He liked spring for another reason. But truly, deep down, he knew the real reason why...

Judas and his cousin, Aaron, were roughhousing. And Aaron was winning against the white haired boy. As Caspian walked by with a tired look on his face, he only spared the two boys a glance before taking a seat on the porch of his brother's house. His pipe in hand but he hadn't taken a puff from it yet. Caspian watched the two boys, seeing Aaron on top of Judas and punching him in the face. "Block him with your arms, Judas." Caspian exclaimed, finally having the urge to take a puff from his pipe. He did so but when he saw his brother, Seth, emerge from the house with a scowl on his face, he knew that he wouldn't be too happy with Judas and Aaron fighting each other over who knows what.

"Stop it." Seth ordered, scratching his arm. However, the two boys continued to fight. "Do you hear me?" Caspian chuckled and took another huff from his pipe. "What are they fighting about?" Seth asked Caspian, who shrugged in return. "Whoever learns how to properly read first." Seth shook his head at his brother's joke. "Caspian, I-" Seth pointed at Aaron and Judas who were now trying to choke each other. Seth closed the door and marched past Caspian. "Why try and stop them? Later we just punish the one who wins." Judas slapped Aaron across the face, earning himself a few seconds to get back onto his feet. Aaron immediately got up when he saw Judas going for a rock that lay beside the two.

When Judas picked up the rock, Aaron backed up but didn't get very far. "No, stop-!" Seth stopped when he reached the porch stairs. He stared in disbelief when he saw Judas throw the rock at Aaron's face, causing the young boy to hit the ground. Blood was already pouring out from his scraped up face. "Oh God.." Seth whispered when he moved to Aaron's unconscious body. Caspian got up from his seat and rushed down the porch stairs to give Seth a helping hand. "Aaron! Wake up, can you hear me?!" Caspian looked up at Judas. "What the Hell have you done?" Caspian assisted Seth in picking up Aaron and rushing him back inside the house. Judas followed behind them.

"Move that vase off the table!"
"Is he breathing?!"
"Aaron? Aaron, can you hear me?"

Judas walked into the parlor room, watching as his uncle and father tended to Aaron's wound. It looked pretty bad too. Just on the left eye, all bruised up and bloodied up. "I caused this?" Judas thought to himself. He couldn't believe it. They were only play-fighting! It wasn't meant to go this way! Everything seemed to go quieter and more echoed too. Judas could even hear his own heavy breathing. He wasn't going to admit it, but he was scared. He hurt his own cousin. And who knows if he killed him!

The purple eyed boy made eye contact with a small 'The Ten Commandments' plaque that sat on the wall next to the window. But one of the Commandments caught Judas' eye.

Sixth Commandment
Thou Shalt not Kill

Judas' breath hitched for a moment as he continued to stare at the Commandment. He.. he could go to Hell for this! It said so in the Bible! Well, what his father actually told him anyways. Judas actually hadn't even noticed that Caspian was yelling at him until Seth came to his aid. "Caspian, stop. What's that going to teach the boy when he's violent enough already?" Caspian scoffed with a smile. "Okay then, you go tell him the world is a soft and gentle place." Seth watched Caspian walk away and back outside. When he knew his brother left, he turned back to see Judas still eyeing 'The Ten Commandments'.

Seth bent down to be eye to eye with Judas. "Aaron is going to be fine." When Judas wasn't responding, Seth gently took Judas' chin and turned his head so that they really could be eye to eye. "I could've killed him?" Judas muttered under his breath. His purple eyes held fear in them. Seth nodded with pursed lips. "Yes, you could have." Both boys looked back at the plague.

"Murder is the worst sin of all. And to take another man's life... nothing else hurts Jesus' heart so much..."

May 22nd, 1734

The sixteen year old shook his head at the vile memory. He was sitting at the benches at the front of the courtroom. He usually came to watch trials that his father worked with out of boredom, but also because he was going to be a judge himself. He heard a few giggles coming from the judge's bench. Judas looked up from his law book and closed it. He himself chuckled when he saw some of the woman that came here to clean the courtrooms staring at him and whispering to each other. When one of the older woman came in, they scattered and continued to clean the courtroom.

He knew this woman. Amber was her name. When she noticed Judas, she smiled. "I hope they aren't being a bother, Sir Wolfgang." Judas shook his head and grabbed all of his other law books, standing up. "Oh no, they weren't. I didn't even really realize they were here until just now." He said, looking at each one. Amber was about to speak up until the sound of screaming and yelling was heard outside.

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