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Aj's POV:

Thankfully I didn't have class this morning because the shitty mood I was in would have led to an argument with my professor and me possibly getting kicked out of school. My anger was at it's all time high. Between the fight I had gotten into with my father last night and the shit Justin said to me, I was ticking like a bomb, ready to explode at any moment.

Justin and I had been spending a lot of time together and he had definitely grown on me. After the night in his car where we almost kissed again, it was like something clicked inside of us and we needed and wanted to get closer to each other.

We would get coffee after class or go see the newest movie, and sometimes we'd go on drives and just talk. Things were comfortable and relaxing between the two of us. We got along and shared a lot of the same interests like music, movies, morals.. For the most part because after last night he showed that his moral compass was off by a lot.

The fact that he was so disrespecting and told me to "spread those pretty little legs of mine" was enough to make me want to chop his balls off, bread them with my throw up, and feed them to him. When the words left his mouth, I thought I

was going to throw up over the railing of my balcony I had been sitting out on when he called.

After the time we had spent together and how close we had gotten, I thought he was past the pervert and douche like comments. But I guess I shouldn't make assumptions, especially when it came to Justin Bieber.

I actually wanted to see him last night because since my father had found out I was spending time with him, he started treating me like shit. We fought none stop because he would question what I was doing and who I was

doing it with. Normally I would lie and say I was going with Rachel but since the paparazzi were up Justin's ass and my father had a television and a smart phone, he could obviously see I wasn't accompanied by her ninety nine percent of the time. Which then led to a set of new problems since I had lied. But in my defense, after everything that's happened, the last thing he should be doing is trying to control the only other female in his life. He did that with my mother and look how far that got her.. If me hanging around Justin would benefit me or not, i'd find it out on my own. I'd have to face my own consequences like I was at the moment.

The shit that Justin pulled last night was actually hurting me although it shouldn't. But since I had grown to care for him, it did. And that bothered me even more. I didn't want people to be inside my walls and be able to effect me the way he could. His charm, looks and the way he actually treated me like

a human being and like he wasn't the only one on the planet, were making my wall come down and I was not strong enough to build it back up quick enough to keep him out.

I threw my wet hair up into a messy bun onto of my head and tighten the towel that was hugging my body. The late morning light streamed through my balcony doors giving my room natural lighting and warming it with the

California sun.

I didn't have plans today considering my mood, so I had rolled out of bed around eleven and slowly worked my way through getting up and ready. I had no designated destination but I knew I didn't want to be in the house, especially on a gorgeous day like today.

I slid into a navy blue strapless romper, throwing a cream colored cardigan over it that reached about mid thigh. It wasn't cold out but the light mid October breeze that was flowing through the air, made strapless and shorts slightly inappropriate for the weather.

I slid on my cream high top converse, completing my outfit, before grabbing my purse and walking out of my room.

My father was at work so I would be spared at least one interrogation session.

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