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Aj's POV:

It was around six in the morning when my alarm went off. I opened my eyes to see a familiar tattooed arm slung over my waist and a smile immediately stretched across my face.

This whole attempt at sneaking around with Justin was going better than expect. A couple of times my father had questioned it when he had seen a picture on E news but I said it was old. And another time when he found a shirt of Justin's in the laundry room that he had given me to sleep in, I had said it was Matt's, although I hadn't seen him in weeks due to the holidays. I had gotten away with those but there was still something in the back of my head that told me he'd find out eventually.

Besides that, things between Justin and I had been pretty good. We had a few moments of tension when the topic of my father finding out came up but other than that we were getting closer and closer and we were both getting more comfortable with the feelings we both held towards each other.

I kissed his nose lightly causing him to squirm and his eyelids started to flutter.

"Come on Jay you got to go," I spoke softly.

Sometimes he'd sneak in late at night and sleep over if I didn't make an excuse to tell my father so I could sleep over his house. But when he stayed at mine, I set an alarm for the early morning so he didn't have to worry about getting caught by my father.

"Just a few more minutes.." He groaned.

"But I don't want you to be taken away from me.." I jutted my bottom lip out and if on que he opened his eyes. He sighed heavily before kissing my cheek and sitting up in bed.

I watched as he stretched, his muscles flexing before he threw back the comforter and startec collecting his clothing off the floor and pulling them on. And no we didn't have sex. The first and last time we did was that  night and I don't think either of us planned on doing it anytime soon. We knew the connection was there, I think now was just a waiting game, taking things slow and seeing if we could take the next step and start dating.... 

I snapped out of my day dream about our sex and wanting to be with him and sat up in bed as Justin walked over to my side of the bed and cupped my cheeks, "Go back to sleep and text me when you wake up. Maybe we can do something after my studio session." 

I nodded robotically getting lost in his caramel colored eyes before he leaned in giving me a small yet meaningful kiss, "I'll see you later." And before I could stop my body from going crazy from his touch and reply to him, he was out of the window.

Christmas was fastly approaching and here I was sitting on my bedroom floor debating on whether or not I wanted to just sleep the whole day away or take part in the pathetic day it would be downstairs by my fire place with my father.

I'd open gifts I didn't even want from him and it would just be awkward and the whole time I'd be thinking back to the days where mom would come in jumping on my bed excitedly like a five year old and get everyone in the spirit even though she was dying on the inside. Maybe that was why I was leaning towards just sucking up my pride and spending the day with my father because if she could have done it then so could I.. Tight?

I just didn't want to have to spend a good eight hours if not more with him. I couldn't even look him in the eye. Everything he's done to my mother and put our family through and now he wants to control my life. It just wasn't fair and it actually made me realize that there is something seriosuly wrong with him. How could you be so controlling and disrespectful to the one person that you have left. You would have thought he would have learned his lesson with my mother, but I guess not.

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