Chapter Three: The Weeping Woman

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TW: Mentions of suicide. Read carefully and be safe!


I wiggle my nose at the scent of old carpet and wet paper fills my nostrils. This library feels as if it's been abandoned. With only Sam, Dean, and I in here apart from a few others, it's very secluded. My eyes follow Sam as he sits down in front of a computer, Dean goes to one of the many shelves and picks a book from it. I plop down onto a padded chair and grasp the arm rests when I almost fall through it. My eyes graze the dusty shelves and the dark carpet, I'm unsure of what to do with myself right now.

I gasp when a book drops into my lap. "Make yourself useful," Dean remarks as he makes his way over to his brother.

Do people say 'go take a long walk off a short pier' anymore?

My eyes wander down to the book, it's not really a book, more of a collection of news articles from the past decade. I huff out a breath and chew the inside of my cheek. There's nothing useful in here. I catch the last few words of a slight argument going on between Sam and Dean but I act like I didn't hear.

Sam clears his throat so I look up. "So, angry spirits are born out of a violent death, right?" He asks, almost rhetorically because we all know that.

Dean rolls his eyes slightly. "Yeah."

"Maybe it's not murder," Sam adds and my brows come together. I wander over to the computers and lean down between the two of them.

"You think it was a suicide?" I ask as Sam replaces 'murder' with 'suicide' in the search engine.

He shrugs. "We don't have much to go off of."

To all of our surprise, a result pops up on the screen about a female suicide on the Centennial Highway. Sam clicks on the article and scans it. "This was 1981, Constance Welch, 24 years old, jumps off Sylvania Bridge, drowns in the river."

"Does it say why she did it?" Dean asks.

"Yeah," Sam confirms and scrolls a bit. "An hour before they found her, she calls 911. Her two little kids are in the bathtub," he pauses and slightly winces, "she leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back, they aren't breathing. Both die."

Dean hums at the information while the gears in my head begin to turn.

"'Our babies were gone and Constance just couldn't bear it', said husband Joseph Welch," Sam continues and I shake my head.

"Hey, Sam?" He nods toward me but doesn't take his eyes away from the computer. I clear my throat before speaking again. "What if it wasn't an accident?" I ask and they both turn to look at me. I tug on the sleeve of my shirt and smile slightly, feeling foolish. "Do you remember that class we took freshman year? Legends and lore, I think it was called?"

He nods. "Yeah, I think so."

"Sorry, what does that have to do with this?" Dean asks but I gesture for them to wait a minute while I jog around the library.

On a mission, I search the books on the shelves. I'm surprised at the immense amount of books on urban legends in this library. I find a book that looks like it might have what I'm looking for and jog back around to the computers. "Okay," I breathe as I sit down in a chair across from them, flipping through the pages of the book. I feel both of their eyes on me as I search for the legend I'm looking for. "Here it is," I mention with a smile as I hold up the illustration and name to the both of them.

Dean squints at the title and Sam raises his eyebrows. "That might actually make sense," Sam mumbles.

"What's La Llorona?" Dean asks, butchering the pronunciation but I explain anyway.

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