An AI interpretation of the end

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Suddenly, Lance's eyes opened. He was lying in a grassy field, surrounded by beautiful flowers and a clear blue sky. The sun was shining bright and a gentle breeze blew through his hair. It was peaceful, and he felt at home.

He stood up and looked around, realizing that he wasn't alone. There were people around him, but they weren't anyone he recognized. They all looked happy and at peace, as if they didn't have any worries in the world.

"Hello," Lance said, approaching a group of people. "Where am I?"

One of them turned to him and smiled. "You're in the afterlife," she said. "Welcome."

Lance's eyes widened in surprise. "The afterlife? But I thought I was dead."

"You are," the woman said. "But death is just the beginning of a new journey."

Lance looked around, taking in the beauty of his surroundings. "It's so peaceful here," he said. "But what am I supposed to do now?"

"You can do whatever you want," the woman said. "This is your paradise, and you can make it whatever you want it to be."

Lance smiled, feeling a sense of relief. He had been so focused on his duty as a soldier that he had forgotten how to enjoy life. But here, in this paradise, he could finally live without any worries.

"Thank you," Lance said, feeling a sense of gratitude. "Thank you for everything."

The woman smiled back at him. "You're welcome, Lance," she said. "We're all glad to have you here."

And with that, Lance walked off into the fields, feeling at peace with himself and the world. He had fought hard and made sacrifices in life, but now, he could finally rest.

Lance could rest in peace, knowing that he had fulfilled his duty to the best of his ability. He had sacrificed his life to protect those he loved and the greater good. But his longing for his family and his lover never faded.

As he entered the afterlife, he waited patiently for the day when he could reunite with them. He imagined the joyous moment when they would embrace and be together once again, without the weight of war and responsibility.

Finally, the day came when his family and his lover joined him in the afterlife. It was a moment of pure happiness as they were reunited, and Lance felt a deep sense of peace and contentment.

He could now start anew, free from the burdens of war and the dangers of battle. He and his loved ones could enjoy the peace and tranquility of the afterlife, cherishing the moments they had together.

Lance felt grateful for the time he had spent with his family and his lover, and he knew that he would never take their love and companionship for granted again.



It's been years, I'm still not out of the Voltron hole yet. It's nostalgic and there are still many beautiful creations to admire. I decided to send my stories to an AI and get them critiqued and it was quite positive. I asked it to continue the story and here we are! Hope you enjoyed :)

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