One Last Story

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Today, our brightest soldier has fallen. We will never forget him, he was a true hero and a true comrade- no, a true friend. We’ll all miss him dearly,
May he Rest In Peace.
Memories fly by, as I feel a blade slit my arm, memories of old friends, of a life that is so far away. I took all of it for granted and now it’s gone, I wish I would’ve enjoyed it more.
Stealing cookies from my mother, staying our late watching the stars, playing games and running around. Oh how I miss the old days. If only my mother could see me now, I'm a hero..

This is going to be the end for me, I’m getting too tired to dodge, I can no longer fight back. I can feel my body breaking down as it takes on more and more hits. There’s a wall behind me, I can’t back up any more. I’m trapped. He’s getting closer. Wait, there’s something red.. Someone’s behind him! What the- no way. It’s him, what’s he doing? He can’t-
I can’t stand anymore, when did I fall down? I think I’ve lost too much blood. My vision is blurring. Someone is beside me, they’re talking to me I think? What’re they saying...
“Come on, stay with me, you can’t die on us now!!”
Something about staying. I want to stay, I want to see the sun rise again. I want to see my home, I want to see my friends, my family!
“One last time”
“HEY! can you hear me? Give me a sign, anything, please don’t leave us yet, we’re so close to going home!”
That soothing voice, I always liked hearing it. It feels like… home... I liked my home, I could just sit, listen to music and watch the clear blue sky for hours. What’d they say again? To move? I can’t move, I’m too tired. My limbs are as heavy as a million rocks.
“HEY, HEY NOW! DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES DAMNIT! LISTEN TO MY VOICE. COME ON YOU CAN DO IT! There, hey, hey I’m here! Keep looking at me, you’re doing great, just don’t close your eyes now!”
Those eyes.. they’re so pretty, I just can’t look away... but I feel so tired. Wasn’t I just in a fight? Don’t I deserve to rest? I’ve done so much for today. Oh, is that my hand on them… they’re crying, I need to tell them it’s okay.
“Hey... it’s okay, please don’t cry.. we’re going home right? I just need to rest before we get there.. I fought really hard you know, I’m so tired... I’m just... gonna...”
“NO! NO WAKE UP... please... i need to get you home.. I need you to stay with me. I’m so...s..o..r...r..y…”
An echo of something and pure darkness, is this death taking me in? Can I go home now?
“Yes, your work here is done. You may go home.”
Hey guys, I’m sorry for leaving early. Don’t worry about me though, I’m okay now. I promise. I’ll miss you guys, but we’ll meet eventually. When your time's up! So, please, enjoy it while you can, don’t let my death bring you down, don’t let this sacrifice go to waste.
Now live, live your lives to the fullest! Live everyday, knowing that I’ll be watching over you. Don’t take your own lives for granted just because I’m not there to tell you otherwise.
You’ll never know what you’ve lost until it’s gone, you know.
As for me... I’ll be waiting for you on the other side, I’ll wait for as long as it takes. For now, and for the rest of my life;

I’m home!
Lance McClain
Dearly beloved son and brother. The bestest friend anyone could have ever wanted and a hero of Voltron.
“Thank you for everything guys, I wouldn’t have been me if it weren’t for you”

A soldier clothed in blueWhere stories live. Discover now