Part 1: I'm Drunk I Suppose

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When you get your heart broken so many times you always have to make the best of the situation. Instead of wallowing away and loathing.

Well that, or you can always go to a bar and drink your feelings out, shot after shot, until you're able to numb the pain away.

It was a Friday night, and after yet another heartbreak, I head down to the local bar. It was crowded, and the music was thundering in my ear drums. It wasn't like I came here to party, or just go clubbing, I'm not in the mood for that shit. As I squeeze through the crowd I finally get to the bartender. In this ordeal I suppose much isn't expected.

"Hey. Hey!" I yell out over the music. The bartender turns around, looking confused at first, but brakes out into a smile.

"Hello Gerard,nice to see you again. What can I get you?" He says.

"Just the usual rounds of vodka," I say nonchalantly.

"Coming right up," he replies ,turns around to get the drinks.

I take my seat at a table, I look around, I notice someone glancing at me. It's probably nothing though, so I ignore it.


Finally after a few minutes of waiting, the bartender returns with my drink. Because I'm here often - and yes I realize that's quite sad, but when you're as naive as me in the love department, you tend to get hurt quite often - the bartender sits next to me.

"So what has happened now my dear friend?" he asks me.

"Well Ray, I'd rather not dish out another one of my amazing love tragedies, but if you must know. I got fucked over again, by the person I thought I loved." I sigh, while taking a shot.

He raises his eyebrow, "And who was it this time, Gee, hm?"

"An asshole that goes by the name,Bert Mccracken ." I reply, taking a big gulp of the vodka.

"I see, you have a thing for bad boys, hm?" He giggles a little.

"Just get me another drink, fro fairy."

"Whatever you say,Gerard." He shoves me a little, as he gets up to get the drinks.

As Ray walks away, I look around, soaking up the surrounding, nothing new - wait, what. Who's that?

I notice a short, tattooed, and well, he looks pretty hot, guy wearing a leather jacket, talking to Ray.

Seriously, who the fuck is that and how have I not seen him before.

Ray finishes talking to the hot stranger, and starts to walk back to my table.

"Who the fuck was that, Toro?" I say, slurring.

"Do you want to talk to him?" He smiles, raising his eyebrow.

"What makes you think I want to talk to him?" giggling to try and play it cool.

"Because, you my friend are very much gay, and I can tell you want him." He laughs a little.

"And what makes you think that, Toro?" Sounding a but defensive.

"I can just tell, I can see the look in your eyes, plus you're drunk." he shakes his head.

"What makes you think I'm drunk?" Squinting my eyes at him.

"Because it doesn't take you a lot to get drunk, Gerard."

"But, I'm not." I exclaim, giggling and hiccuping mid sentence.

"What ever you say Gerard." Ray raises his eyebrow at me. He walks off, and talks to the hot stranger again, then I see him point towards me, then continues talking to him, I see the man smirk and get up from his seat, and walk over towards me. 

This cannot be happening, oh god. What the fuck Ray. Why would you do this. Oh god, this guy's gonna think I'm so fucking weird. I don't have a chance with him at all.

I hear someone begin to clear their throat, I look up and see the hot mysterious man standing right in front of me. I cannot believe my eyes, he's fucking gorgeous, literal perfection. His hair is almost as long as mine, maybe a bit shorter, completely jet black. There's a little dent underneath his lip, barley visible, where I assume, a lip ring should be. His eyebrows were perfectly arched, and his eyes, oh god his eyes. His eyes were a beautiful hazel color, so captivating, yet kind of mysterious. The kind of eyes that would pull you in, but yet wouldn't utter a single syllable. His face was just all around complete perfection. From those captivating eyes to his beautiful button like nose. 

He begins to speak, "Hey, I'm Frank, and you are?" He smirks at me and I practically melt. This fucking perfect human being, if he's even human, is actually fucking speaking to me. I've never been so honored in my entire life. 

"Gerard." I giggle and slur my name a little, mainly due to the amount I've drank so far. I feel my face go hot as he looks at me, and check me out. 

"Well, Gerard, would you mind if I sat and got to know you a bit?" He smirks again and raises an eyebrow. 

I feel myself blush more; if that's even possible, but thank god for the dim lighting in here, and finally regain my ability to speak, "Oh, of course you can." I smirk back at him, and move over so he can sit next to me. I look down, a bit embarrassed for being such a school girl over this man. I feel the weight shift on the chair, I pull my head up, some of my hair gets in my face so I pull it back. He looks at me, then moves closer, he smiles, "So, what's a beautiful man like you doing in some crummy bar?" 

Oh my, he thinks I'm beautiful,oh god. 

More of my long, red, disaster of hair gets in my face, but before I have the chance to pull it back, Frank does it for me. His hands are cold against my warm, blushed cheeks. He looks at me and smiles again. 

"I'm just here trying to forget. Dull the pain." He looks concerned, which is odd because I literally have only known him for about 5 minutes. He looks a little hurt and I feel my heart shatter a bit. 

He looks at me, running his fingers along my jawline,"Who would hurt such a perfect human being like you?" I feel my heart flutter, and butterflies in my stomach from the words his beautiful lips uttered. Why would something so perfect, so untouched, so whole, would want to do with someone so broken, so fragile. I just don't get it. Maybe it's the alcohol, maybe I am imagining this, what if this is just a dream? 

"If I were him, I'd never hurt you." 

"You're too sweet, Frank."

"It's the truth sweetheart." I can't even think of anything to say. Maybe it's his kind words, or maybe it's the alcohol, or maybe it's just him in general. I don't understand, am I falling for him? This is happening way too fast. I just met him. Before I could stop myself I lean over and kiss him, he seems a bit startled by my forward action, it isn't long until he returns the action. He cups my face and runs his other hand through my hair. It starts off slow, but slowly the pace quickens and it becomes more passionate and feverish. He eventually breaks the kiss to say one thing, before continuing, "You're so fucking beautiful." 


Surprise! God, this is hella old but im working on it. This is my first one shot boi. I actually don't have any idea how long i should make each part but oh well. I'ma upload the next chapter of Revenge. soon, hopefully. so i hope you enjoyed the first part of my one shot. Until next time.

Gotta Blast


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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