Entering Westeros

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I was spending my time trying to figure out how to use my spells.

"Okay, deep breath, imagine what you want to happen and do it."

Just then a shimmering shield appeared around him and i knew that it was definitely a good investment.


I then tried many of my other cantrips and cheat spells and decided that my favorite so far was Tree Stride. Being in a forest was the best as he was running from tree to tree all throughout the forest and he even knew instinctively where they were.

Next I used commune with nature to try and find out where I was. I found that about two miles from the forest there were people and buildings. I almost started walking there, when I remembered my wild shape ability.

I transformed into my DnD Direwolf form and I found that they were 3 times the size of Direwolves in GoT and I started running in the direction that I was shown through commune with nature and following the scent of humans.

I eventually arrived at the edge of the forest just outside the village and changed back into my human form and entered the village. As I entered and looked around I was pleasantly surprised by the earthy smell as I am a druid that is close to nature, but that smell was ruined by the overwhelming smell of human feces that was literally everywhere.

As I looked at the crudely formed streets and built houses I found it strange that no one was out and about so i cast commune with nature again and found where a big number of people were. There was a building off to the side and as i got closer i could hear the boisterous voices of drunk people.

I walked inside and could see it was reminiscent of an adventurer's Guild hall with a bunch of shady characters staring at me. Most were staring at me with suspicion, but some there could be seen a slight light of hope in their eyes, none more prevalent than the waitresses currently serving a rowdy group of men in the far left corner of the inn.

The men were groping her and calling her over to ask to fuck them and as I looked over to the bar I saw what I could only assume was the owner, have a look of fear and trepidation as he saw the men's actions. I walked to a table near the bar and sat down. I stared at the group once more and could see the girl was uncomfortable with the situation but she was helpless to stop them.

My thoughts were interrupted when the innkeeper walked over to my table. "W-welcome to Raven's peak inn can i get you anything to drink milord?"

(Man I should've gotten detect thoughts.)

The innkeeper was getting more and more anxious as I was just staring at him so I smiled and said "A nice brown ale and some information would be phenomenal my good man."

The man walked off and I turned back to the group still wondering why I didn't choose Detect Thoughts, when the man came back with a mug of brownish yellow liquid, meat, and what passes as bread in Westeros

"Thank you, now sit."

"I couldn't possibly sit with you milord, it is not right for someone like me to sit with you."

"That is for me to decide not you, now sit." The man sat down and I pushed the food over to him and started speaking "Eat... You seem to have pest problems" I say while gesturing with my eyes to the unruly group. "8 pests, to be precise, does your Lord not care for his people and let thugs like them do whatever they want in his land?"

"You misunderstand milord, they care for us village Folk, but after the recent attack on Seaguard, Lord Tully has called much of the men to join the effort to repel this rebellion by the Greyjoys. This leaves us with very little protection against the ahem p-pests." The man spoke in a tired and heavy voice tinged with slight trepidation at the end.

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