The Prelude and the Begining of the Battle

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After being dismissed by Lord Stark, I began the first part of my plan to get Robert's approval. I knew exactly how to exploit his weakness, but first I needed the materials. I went to the port to try and find the materials. I needed Lead, malachite, flowers of various colors and large pieces of wood.

The first two were relatively easy to find, I just used his telekinesis to swipe them.

(Hehehe. 'Five finger discount' for the win.... Huh wouldn't it be 'No finger discount'?? Eh whatever I'm getting sidetracked.)

I turned into a Raven as it is the easiest animal to blend in in an army camp and I just like the bird. I flew to the room of Lord Mallister's maester to get the ink and paper, grabbed some tail hairs from the horses we rode and went to a nearby forests and cut off a couple decent sized pieces of wood from a nearby tree with green flame blade and used fabricate to make them into a duplicate of a canvas I had used in an art class i took in my past life.

After that, I made my way to the Stark ship carrying the canvases over my head with all the other materials in my satchel. Lord Stark directed me to a room but not before questioning my actions.

"Is it really necessary to bring that, we are going into battle soon?"

"You had told me it was up to me to convince the King to grant me my noble status and this is part of my plan to get his recognition. Actually, you could help me out with my plan unless you have something better to do during the travel."

"I have an invasion to plan and honestly you don't seem to be taking it seriously." He said with slight anger in his voice.

"I already have a plan drawn out for the invasion Lord Stark." I said as I placed the canvas into a cabin in the ship and came back at such time Stark asked.

"Would you care to share your plan with the man who will be leading said invasion." Stark said slightly smug, and his voice dripped with sarcasm.

"It's very simple. I will enter the gatehouse of the castle we are sieging and neutralize the guards then open the gate and make way for your battalion to March inside." I said smiling.

"And you can accomplish this feat alone?" Stark questions with obvious doubt.

"Haha. Ye of little faith. I am insulted that you believe I can't."

"Only time will tell if you can back up your words with actions and then we'll see if the absurdity of your words hold merit." Stark said as he sighed in resignation.

There was a silence between us that I then broke. "Lord Stark, I have an odd request." I said as I finally cast detect thought for the first time since choosing the spell with my hands in the pockets of my cloak.

"Hmmm?" Stark mused.

"Could you describe your family to me, both current and those no longer with us?"

"Why would you need to know such information." Stark said as he frowned.

"It is for a gift I will be creating. It will not be ready for some time, but before this war is over it will be in your hands. This will be for your patience and indulging my suggestions." I say as I smile.

(That certainly is odd and totally out of the blue. I wonder why he wants to know such information) Stark wondered.

He then raised a brow and replied. "I do not require such a thing. It is also uncertain if you will succeed in impressing King Robert." He says as we heard the captain shout to raise anchor.

(It was an impressive sight to see all the ships leaving the port)

"When it comes to impressing the King, we both know that is not in question."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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