Female!Nato x Male!reader

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Part 2 of 《Female!Nato x Male!reader》
Warning: Lemon(don't like, don't read. I don't encourage you to read if you don't like to read these sensitive topics. Danke) Yandere!Nato, dominant reader.

Well, Nato went back home to get her kitchen knife(idk what weapons I feel like kitchen knife would be good enough) to kill the ugly girl(Clara). No one is going NEAR her SENPAI. When Nato meant nobody like bruh, she'd kill your family just to be close to you. I mean, that's what yanderes do right...right? Anyways she slipped that knife(how?don't ask)somewhere and happily?skipped up to you. You stared at her and asked, "Hi Nato, what are you doing here?" You asked Nato. She grinned widely(wow i could see her sharp teeth. Jk). "Well nothing senpa-I mean (y/n), do you know where that girl...lives?" Nato made a choking sound and you looked at her confused. "Oh! You mean Clara? She lives at #######.""Okay thanks (y/n)!" Nato chirped 'happily', she has killing to do.
《Time skip to night》
"Ahhhh! Who's there!" Clara screamed. Nato(apparently) beoke through Clara's window(genius)and pointed the knife at her. "You ugly bastard!STAY AWAY FROM MY SENPAI!" Nato(practically) yelled."And who are you and why should I stay away?""I will be the DEATH of you if you don't stay away.""You look like an ugly hoe yourself." That's it, Clara triggered too much of Nato. Nato took the knife and stabbed Clara(oo~ blood)through her throat. Nato removed the knife, cleaned it and jump out of where she came from.
《Time skip to the next day》
You had confessed tour feelings for EU(remember, EU is a girl for this) and she accepted. Nato was walking by when she saw a glimpse of you and hid behind a tree. There, she saw you kissing EU. Nato narrowed her eyes, now, her new target is her friend. Nato would'nt mind anyway, like she said. She would kill anyone, including his family, friends and lovers. NO one is allowed to touch or go near her SENPAI .

Readers, remember when I said Nato would kill EU in part 2? Ill add in part 3, sorry for the disruption.
Btw, why does this story sound like 'Senpai Notice Me?'...Nvm I hoped you readers enjoyed this part.

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