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y/n's pov

you and michonne had spent the night in a garden shed. today you were looking around in hope to find anyone who was back at the prison with you. you were glad you'd found michonne, but you also needed to find your dad and carl. after finding your dad the first time you didn't expect to be split up from him again and you were worried. what if you don't see him for another three years? or what if you don't see him again at all?

you were pretty sure your dad was alive - he was built for this world. that wasn't so much a worry as his chances were good. it was almost like your dad was invincible. your mind then wondered to carl, what if something had happened to him? you knew carl was tough and sure as hell capable just like yourself but carl was more likely to let his guard down and do something stupid. none of this would've happened if it wasn't for that crazy son of a bitch 'governor'.

as you and michonne were walking along an empty road, you came across a soft toy of a little grey bunny. you bent down to pick it up, examining the pink sewed in button nose and shiny glass eyes, 'for judith,' you whispered to michonne. michonne looked at you and smiled. you thought about judith, hoping beth had gotten to her. you hoped she was safe. you looked to the bunny and wondered who it may have belonged to. michonne put a hand on your shoulder, 'we'll find them, y/n.' and you nodded.

you two continued walking, walkers trailing behind you. you'd gotten so used to walkers that when there was just one or two, you'd ignore them. a single walker was nothing to worry about, it was the herds you have to be cautious about. of course, you'd still have to be careful, but why waste your energy if you didn't have to.

you noticed there was a log cabin hidden in the woods, 'let's go, c'mon,' you said to michonne, jogging over there.

the cabin was damp and mouldy. a wooden bed with a checkered blanket stood in the corner. you went over to the kitchen, raiding the cupboards, and finding a packet of nuts.

'that all there was?' michonne asked, walking up behind you.

you nodded, opening the small packet pouring half into your mouth at once and giving the rest to michonne.

'we've got about two hours left until dark. i say we camp here the night,' michonne spoke, her mouth full.

you shook your head, 'we ain't stoppin'.'

'if we get stuck out there in the dark-' 

'we can come back here if we have to. please, just a little longer.'

michonne sighed and grabbed her sword, 'alright.'

as michonne opened the door, about four or five walkers came lunging towards her. michonne was knocked to the ground and you took action, running ahead and pulling them off her, forcing your knife through their heads in the process. once michonne was up, she did the same and within a few seconds, you'd killed them all.

'you alright?' you asked.

michonne ignored your question, 'what's this?' she asked, showing you the picture of your mom; it must've fell out of your bag.

'oh, yeah that was my mom,' you mumbled, carefully taking the picture back and folding it back into your bag.

'what happened to her?' michonne asked.

you paused, 'she died while havin' me.'

'i'm sorry,' michonne said. it was quiet for a moment before she spoke again, 'i had a son.'

you looked up at michonne, shocked at this information. you hadn't had a clue that michonne had had a child before all this.

'anyone know?' you asked, and she shook her head.

she was about to leave when you stopped her, 'you're right. let's just stay here tonight.'

michonne was on watch first, as you got some sleep. it had been over twenty four hours since you'd been split up from everyone and you were missing them a lot. you tried to get to sleep as it wouldn't be long before you were on watch and you had another long day ahead of you tomorrow.

morning arrived and the sun was shining through the thin cloth curtains. you realised you'd slept through the whole night and sat up to see michonne sleeping with her head against the wall, 'michonne!' you hissed.

michonne didn't answer so you repeated yourself until her eyes fluttered open, 'why didn't you wake me?' you said.

'oops, must've fell asleep,' michonne smirked, 'we're fine.'

you rolled your eyes and got out of bed, putting your boots on. you looked to your knees and they were cut and muddy still from the prison, as well as your knuckles from punching the man. you thought to yourself that hershel would've been able to tend to your injuries and thinking about it made your stomach sink. your mind couldn't quite comprehend that you'd never see him again.

your throat was dry so you dig through your bag, pulling out your water bottle which was only about a quarter full. you drank a couple of sips and then handed it to michonne.

'we need to find water,' michonne said and you agreed.

after you left the cabin for good, you carried on walking down the long road.

there was quite a few houses around, big and white with beautiful front porches surrounded by trees. you'd always wanted a house like that where you could grow old, maybe have kids and live a normal life. of course, that was never going to happen now. you turned to face michonne when she suddenly started uncontrollably sobbing, 'hey, hey, michonne? what you cryin' for? you good?' you asked. her eyes seemed fixated on something in the distance and you looked ahead to see rick and carl, leaving one of the houses. without hesitation, you dropped your stuff and ran towards them. carl noticed you and his tired expression turned to a smile with a relieved look on his face. before he had any more time to react you jumped into his arms, 'goddammit carl, i missed you so much,' you whispered into his ear.

'i'm so glad you're okay, y/n. i was so worried about you,' carl said, still holding you in his arms. you jumped down from carl's arms, now heading over to rick who'd just finished hugging michonne. rick smiled at you, shaking his head and pulled you into a hug. after you'd hugged rick you went back over to carl. carl rested his forehead against yours and your noses were touching, 'i'm so sorry for leaving you,' he whispered.

you shook your head, 'no, no, it's alright.'

'no, it's not alright. i won't do it again, okay?' carl reassured you.

'sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but get a room,' michonne snickered.

you and carl moved away from each other, both looking embarrassed once again.

'you three go inside, i'll go and get your stuff,' rick told you all.

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