🍁 Nineteen : The Happiness + CAST(S)

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As Genevieve settled into the comfortable sofa in her living room, she felt a sense of excitement tinged with a bit of nervousness. 

Her mother, Emma, was coming to visit her in Melbourne, and she wanted everything to be perfect for her stay.

Genevieve looked around the room, making mental notes of anything that might need tidying up or cleaning.

She wanted her mother to feel welcomed and at home in her cozy place.

As she waited for her mother to arrive, Genevieve couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic. 

It had been a while since she had seen her mother, and she missed her dearly. 

She wondered what they would do during her visit and hoped that they would have a chance to catch up on everything that had been going on in their lives.

Finally, she heard a knock on the door, and Genevieve jumped up from the sofa to answer it. 

As she swung open the door, she was met with a warm embrace from her mother.

Emma's face was beaming with joy, and Genevieve knew that this was going to be a wonderful visit.

Emma settled down in the living room and Genevieve eventually left the kitchen, bringing two cups of tea for her mother and herself.

"Thank you, sweetheart! Sorry for troubling you," Emma said with a heartfelt smile. It's been a while since she missed the sweet treatment from her daughter.

Genevieve smiled back at her mother and sat down on the sofa next to her. "It's no trouble at all, Mum. I'm just happy to have you here with me," she replied, handing her mother a cup of tea.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, sipping their tea and enjoying each other's company. 

Genevieve couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, as she knew that it was rare for her and her mother to have uninterrupted time together.

"So, how have you been, Mum? What's been going on in your life?" Genevieve asked, eager to catch up with her mother.

Emma took a sip of her tea and sighed contentedly. "Oh, you know, just keeping busy with work and all. But I've been thinking a lot about your father lately. I miss him so much."

Genevieve nodded sympathetically. Her father had passed away a few years ago, and it was still a sore spot for both her and her mother. "I miss him too. But I'm sure he's looking down on us and smiling right now."

Emma smiled wistfully. "I like to think so, dear. He would have loved it here in Melbourne, you know. It's such a beautiful city."

They continued to chat and catch up, savoring the moment of being together. 

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