Alexander And His Uncle

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Once urp-on a time, there was a young prince named Alexander who lived in a kingdom far away. Alexander was known throughout the land for his impressive physique and dedication to physical fitness. He spent hours each day training his body to be the strongest and fittest it could be.

One day, Alexander's uncle, King Edmund, came to visit him. King Edmund was known for his love of rich foods and indulgence, and he quickly took notice of his nephew's impressive muscles. King Edmund thought it would be amusing to see his nephew indulge in the same decadent foods that he loved so much, and so he began to introduce Alexander to a variety of rich, fatty, and sugary foods.

At first, Alexander was reluctant to indulge in these foods. He knew that they were unhealthy and would not be good for his body. But as time went on, he found himself growing more and more fond of the rich and decadent flavors. He began to look forward to each meal with his uncle, eager to try the latest delicacy that King Edmund had prepared for him.

As Alexander continued to indulge in these rich foods, he began to notice changes in his body. His muscles began to soften and his belly began to grow. At first, he was alarmed by these changes, but as time went on, he found that he was growing more and more comfortable with his new, softer physique.

One day, as he looked at himself in the mirror, Alexander realized that he had come to love his new body. He loved the softness of his belly and the way his clothes hugged his curves. He loved the feeling of fullness that came with indulging in rich foods. He realized that he had been denying himself this pleasure for far too long, and he was grateful to his uncle for showing him a new way of living.

From that day on, Alexander continued to indulge in rich foods, growing fatter and happier with each passing day. He still loved to exercise and train his body, but he no longer felt the need to push himself to extremes. He had found a new way of living that brought him joy and pleasure, and he was grateful to his uncle for showing it to him. And so, Alexander lived happily ever after, a prince who had learned to love the pleasures of the table just as much as the pleasures of the gym

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