The Belly Monster

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Once upon a time, in a small town nestled in the heart of a dense forest, there lived a mysterious creature known as the "Belly Monster." According to urban legend, the Belly Monster was a rotund and grotesque creature with a huge appetite for burping boys.

As the story goes, the Belly Monster would lurk around the town, waiting for young boys to burp loudly. The sound of a boy's burp would attract the Belly Monster, who would snatch the boy up and take him to his lair deep in the forest.

Once the boy was in the Belly Monster's lair, he would be fed an endless supply of delicious, but unhealthy, foods. The Belly Monster would feed the boys until they were massively fat, unable to move or escape. It was said that the Belly Monster derived great pleasure from watching the boys grow larger and larger until they were too big to leave his lair.

Many parents in the town would warn their children about the Belly Monster, telling them that if they burped too loudly, they would be snatched up and taken away forever. Some children even claimed to have heard the Belly Monster's booming laughter echoing through the forest at night.

Despite there being no evidence of the Belly Monster's existence, the legend persisted, passed down from generation to generation. To this day, some people in the town still warn their children about the dangers of burping too loudly, for fear that the Belly Monster might come and fatten them up.


My name is Jacob, and I was just like any other 15-year-old boy in my small town. I never believed in the urban legend of the Belly Monster, that is until one day when I was walking home from school, I let out a particularly loud burp. Suddenly, I felt something grab me from behind, and before I knew it, I was whisked away to a dark, damp cave.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I saw the grotesque Belly Monster towering over me, grinning with a mouth full of sharp, pointy teeth. I was terrified, but strangely enough, the Belly Monster didn't seem interested in harming me. Instead, he offered me an endless supply of delicious, high-calorie foods, and I found myself eating and eating until I was too full to move.

Days turned into weeks, and before I knew it, I had gained a massive amount of weight. But instead of feeling ashamed, I found myself enjoying my newfound plumpness. The Belly Monster seemed pleased with my transformation and began to show me the ropes of fattening up other boys who had been foolish enough to burp too loudly.

As the days passed, I helped the Belly Monster catch and fatten up more and more boys. Together, we would feed them endless amounts of unhealthy food, and I loved watching them grow larger and larger until they were too big to move.

Years went by, and I grew to love my life with the Belly Monster. I had become a part of his family, and we spent our days eating, laughing, and fattening up boys. I had found my true home, and I knew that I would never leave.


Years went by, and I continued to help the Belly Monster fatten up more boys. But as time passed, I began to notice that the Belly Monster was slowing down. He wasn't as active as he used to be, and he seemed to be growing tired.

One day, the Belly Monster approached me and told me that it was time for him to retire and pass on his legacy to someone else. I was shocked but honored that he had chosen me to be his successor.

At first, I was hesitant to take on such a big responsibility. But the Belly Monster reassured me that I had all the necessary skills and experience to take on the job. He showed me the ropes and taught me everything I needed to know about how to fatten up boys and keep them happy.

Adjusting to my new role as the Belly Monster was challenging at first. I had to learn to balance my insatiable appetite with the need to keep my boys healthy and happy. But as time went on, I grew more and more comfortable in my new skin.

I loved my job, and I loved my boys. I took great pleasure in watching them grow larger and larger, seeing the satisfaction on their faces as they ate to their heart's content. I made sure that they had everything they needed to be happy, from their favorite foods to their favorite games.

But most importantly, I made sure that they knew that they were loved. I showed them that being overweight didn't mean that they were any less valuable or worthy of love and acceptance. And as they grew fatter and fatter, they knew that they had a home with me, just like I had with the Belly Monster.

Looking back, I can't imagine my life without the Belly Monster and my boys. I am grateful for everything that they have given me and everything that I have been able to give them. And I know that as long as there are boys who burp too loudly, there will always be a Belly Monster to fatten them up and make them happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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