chapter 62

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i sat on one of the beds as the rest didn't talk.
jace "clary gave lydia the cup."
jace "hodge is taking her to lock it up until she goes back to idris."

alec "okay."
jace "okay?"
jace "that's it, alec?"
alec "i don't want to get into it."
jace "stop."
jace  "i do wanna get into it."

jace "you almost killed me."
jace "you weakened our parabatai bond just to find me."
alec "you betrayed me."
alec "you lied to me."
alec "you attacked me when i was doing what we should've been doing together."
jace "i didn't betray you, alec."

jace "i saved you from yourself."
jace "if you'd have taken meliorn to be tortured, you would have that on your conscience for the rest of your life."

alec "really?"
jace "really."
alec "everything you do is for a higher principle."
alec "you took the cup, and you nearly handed it over to valentine."

jace "that was not our intention."
jace "you know that."
alec "our intention?"
alec "was it your intention to risk izzy's or leo's life for hers?"
alec "this isn't about clary."
alec "this is about you."
alec "now, i'm gonna go tell my sister..."
alec "that she not getting leo arrested."

i left with alec. we walked to izzy room to see izzy and magnus.

alec "jace and clary are back."
alec "they gave the cup to lydia."
alec "you're free to go."
izzy "you were right, they came back."
izzy "you knew!"

alec "oh, i didn't actually."
magnus "well my work is done here."
magnus "walk me out, will you?"
magnus "we have some business to settle."
magnus walks out.

izzy "go."
izzy "i'll be fine."

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