the cure worked??

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Military Doctor: so we ran a full scale scan on the serum and it says positive

Sylvia: good, it's time Chase gets it so Marshall can finally sleep

Military doctor: ok


Marshall: *stares at chases unconscious body* please dont turn we need you, your the best and most fearless pup of our time, recover for us chase, we know you can

Zeira: *walks into the room* Marshall i think i should take over Medic duties, you should leave and rest

Marshall: I can't leave his side, after everything that's happened he's gonna want to see his friend

Alex: *comes in with blake* yes but we're able to take it from here pup

Marshall: if your claws even scratch him, I'll rip them off and shove them up your ass then take them out of your jaw

Blake: wow you really do hate cats

Marshall: not all just the ones that abandoned me to get caught by the pound in Adventure city

Zeira: that was a long time ago

Marshall: yeah well I remember it like yesterday

Military medic: *walks in with a Syringe on a tray* Marshall strap him down *walks to chases side* the cure is positive

Marshall: ok *straps him down tight*

Military Medic: *picks up the small syringe and injects it into chases veins*

Marshall: *stares at chases eyes with the hope of him waking up* come on wake *looks at the monitor and it flat lines, closes my eyes* no, you can't die *grips tightly onto the bed*

Military medic: *signals the others to get him out of the room*

Zeira: legs go marshall *nudges his side toward the door* he's passed


Rocky: *plays with some pups to lift their spirits*

Rose: thanks again for letting me stay

Skye: no problem, your one of us now forever and ever

Everest: exactly

Zeira: *walks to them with a broken and teary marshall* he didn't make it

Rocky: *hears and looks toward them* wh-what?

Blake: he's gone, the cure didn't get to the brain in time

Military medic: *gets up and walks to a computer starts filling out patient files and hears a familiar groan from someone in this room that wasn't me* no way.

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