happy again

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Warning; "there is a sex scene, if you don't like that just skip past it and sexual language"

Marshall: James?, What do you want me to see?

James: its about chase *gets in the army truck* something you'll for sure want to see, something surprising. Let's go *mentions to the passenger seat*

Marshall: ok *hops into the passenger seat*


Ryder: *sits with chase with humdinger jake and carlos while the other pups already left for rest* you know you'll hear it from Marshall for scaring us so badly

Chase: I know but he's only being a brother

Carlos: si amigo, he worries like one, you flat lining scared the fuck out of him

Chase: so your allowed to swear but when I do I get a newspaper to the nose?

Ryder: pretty much then again I didn't teach you or the pups to swear and don't want that happening

Chase: sorry for worring you Ryder sir

Humdinger: you worried all of us

Jake: yeah dude


Sylvia: ok marhsall, you can't be rough with chase, he's still healing and very weak, so that means no play fighting, no  challenging him and definitely no biting

Marshall: skye bites not me

Max: yeah but we mean no play biting and be careful not to trip or crash into him

Marshall: ok that is me

Max: yeah *leads him to chases tent*


Ryder: your brave chase, I don't know exactly what happened back there but whatever it is I'm proud of you but we were informed that you have a small chance to retrieve the virus so their giving you pills which could hopefully prevent that Sonario

Chase: it's ok, we have our life back that's all that matters

Marshall: c-chase?

Chase: come in marshall

Marshall: *walks in and to his bed* it's good to have you alive and well

Chase: thanks marsh

Marshall: didn't i tell you to never call ne that?

Chase: it's a good nickname

Marshall: fine, where's the others?

Ryder: they already left to rest

Marshall: oh *stretches* when can chase bunk with someone?

Medic: when we're sure he's fine and ready

Ryder: yeah good idea

Claw: *runs through swamp water hearing the  Horrifying cries and growls of groups that was once my own, trips on a tree root and falls into a underground abandoned temple*

Claw: *runs through swamp water hearing the  Horrifying cries and growls of groups that was once my own, trips on a tree root and falls into a underground abandoned temple*

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