Chapter 22

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Lauren's pov
The morning had started just right! I was estatic that my family would come to the company event to announce our merge and my position at the company until...
One fucking email ruined it all. I was enjoying my time with Camila and now HR had decided to take her away! Did they ask no but they sure terminated her time with me. My question was weather she still was going to work at the company or not because else it would be hard to finish my revenge plan before she could exit my life completely. If she still was here I needed to plot a fast way to get my revenge! She needed to pay, hopefully if she still was around the company, the event would be the perfect chance to.
It was the end of the week and all preparations for the event were ready for tonight. It was a busy week not having Camila do all the major stuff, or not having her body close to mine, I hated that I hadn't seen her around and I didn't want to ask anyone if she still was here, at times I wondered if she was here before me or after. Maybe tonight I would find out, either way my revenge would be sweet if she was still an employee. Although Keanas behavior was a little to cheerful for my liking, it was getting a bit on my nerves, I didn't even know what got her that way! It seemed like she won the lottery or some shit!

Camilas pov
So far I was pleasantly happy, Shawn had made great arrangements to make me stop working with Lauren and I was glad I didn't see her around the whole week. Working with Shawn had been great we avoided leaving the office for lunch by bring some up to his office. He was nice and attentive to pick me up and drop me off for work so their thankfully was a small probability I would cross paths with lauren.

It was a bit of a busy week with Lauren's stupid event happening which I would have to attend. I just hoped I didn't come across her family. I was excited to see Max and Melisa soon plus their wedding was coming up pretty soon and it would give me time to leave New York and for a moment feel like I was the person I was a year ago!

 I was excited to see Max and Melisa soon plus their wedding was coming up pretty soon and it would give me time to leave New York and for a moment feel like I was the person I was a year ago!

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Pov Lauren
I had just arrived to the event and I had heard from my parents they would arrive to the event directly with a surprise. Although they didn't know I had a surprise of my own for them.
Tonight I had brought Keana with me and hopeful Camila would be here. I could see Shawn's family except him at a table. I Saw my parent's come in after a while alongside the Cabello's. Through everything our families got along and we would often meet through the years they were always a second family for me they loved me as a daughter the same way my own parents did. After the camila incidente it seemed Camila was no longer their daughter and instead they replaced their void with me. We sat together and ate as we caught up over our lives since the last time we had all been together.I had told them I had a surprise for them during my speech.

I had told them I had a surprise for them during my speech

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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