The Commen room

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Dinner had just finished and we were getting showed the way to our comments room. I was terrified. Walking into the room everyone looked at me with disgust and disbelief.
"How is she in Slytherin?" I heard a third year boy say.
"Imagine how her family feels. Must be really disappointed." Said a second year. I was walking towards the dorm rooms when I was stoped my a sixth year boy.
"What it your name girl." He asked rudely.
"Y/n. Y/n Weasley.." I muttered back.
"And how did you get into our common room? The Gryffindor common room is upstairs." He replied.
"I know that. I was sorted into Slytherin." I said heavily.
"You? A Weaselby? In Slytherin? He choked out in between laughter.
"Yes now if you excuse me I'm going to my room." I said sharply and then left. The girls in my dorm were just as bad as everyone else. "Hey look guys, it's the Weasley wannabe." Said another first year.
"Nice one Pansy." Said another girl. The rest of the night was hell. I didn't get any sleep. While everyone else in the dorm was snoring away. I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. This is horrible. Me? In Slytherin? I couldn't believe it. They were right Mum would be so disappointed. And the next morning would be as bad.

Y/n Weasley (Slythrin House)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang