a birth of a child, and 3000 lanterns

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"Rejoice!" every ghost and heaven official was informed of the birth of the heavenly child.
The emperor of the heavens and ghosts came out from the palace of Xianle and raised their newly born son.
"He shall be called Hua Ying." The emperor of heaven, Xie Lian, declared as everyone that witnessed the event applauded with screams.
Xie Lian beamed at his husband, Hua Cheng, who was getting ready to gift the child immortality and godhood.

The clouds began to turn gold and the sun shined brightly as both parents gave their son blessings for his golden core's power.
Hua ying was also coronated and is now titled the crown prince of the 3 realms.

"Behold, the crown prince Hua Ying!"
The couple officially declared to the crowd.


A day after the celebration, a special banquet was held for the reunion of the heavens and ghosts.
"For the sake of my son, I held this banquet to reunite the heavens and ghosts. I declare peace on both realms, and no official nor ghost can hurt eachother."
Everyone in the hall was shocked by this sudden announcement.
"What? But my lord-"
Hua Cheng glared at his ghost which made it shut up.
Hua ying, who was in his father's arm, grabbed out to reach Hua Cheng's robe, making him turn all of his attention to his son.
"A-ying," Xie Lian smiled.
Hua ying was babbling, almost like he was laughing. Everyone's eyes was on the young prince.
They had an expression of happiness from his cooing, even Feng xin was beaming at the newborn.


A few hours after the banquet, the dark night had already engulfed the sky.
It was time for the lantern event.
All 3000 lanterns (according to Hua Cheng) was dedicated for his son and beloved husband.

The gods and ghosts that were invited can witness the special lantern event
just right outside Qiandeng temple, while the others can witness it above the clouds and the city where the others lay.

Every lantern was symboled with a red, gold and white butterfly to symbolize the powerful family.
Everyone got a lantern to light up, while the rest can be lit up by Hua Cheng if there are left overs which maybe impossible since the count was perfect. Exactly 2998 guests.

Finally, all lanterns were now lit up. The gods and ghosts released them to the sky where the others witnessed.
They were clapping and cheering.

The ghosts in the city were in awe as the lanterns were lit up.
Wishing they were also invited so they can take a look at the lanterns and hold it.

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