Survivors Speak Strongly

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Darkness falls upon the night
A silent scream, a hidden fright
A heart that beats in fear and pain
As a predator takes all that remains

A body, once whole, now torn apart
A soul, shattered, unable to restart
A life that once knew love and trust
Now a victim of an unwanted lust

But strength emerges from the ashes
A voice, empowered, refusing to be passive
A heart that beats with a fierce resolve
To heal, to thrive, to never dissolve

With every breath, a survivor stands
A warrior, bold, taking back their hands
No longer defined by the scars they bear
But by the light that shines from within, they dare

To face the world with eyes that see
Beyond the pain, the shame, the memory
And in that strength, a message clear
That hope and healing are always near

For every victim, every survivor
There is a light that burns brighter and higher
A flame that cannot be extinguished
For in their courage, justice is distinguished

So let us stand with those who've suffered
With open hearts, and ears uncovered
For their stories must be heard
And their voices, forever empowered.

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