Meeting them. (Nico and Percy)

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Nico Di Angelo:
The sky rumbled signalling another thunder storm. Great, just great. I walk into my classroom and sit down at my desk, A few other kids are already here. Jackson, Amber and Nico. "hey" i say sitting down next to Nico. "hi" he says pulling his hoodie even further over his face. "What are you doing for your project?" i ask pulling my book out. "my da... uh Hades" he says shrugging "oh cool, I'm doing Demeter" i say, the sky rumbles again and it starts raining. Hard. Nico looks cautiously out the window and stands up. "Are you ok?" i ask " yeah I'm, I'm fine" he says and its obvious that he isnt. I shake it off and go back to work. Nico sits back down but he looks on edge and keeps muttering something about "Zeus being angry" I think thats the greek god of the sky. After a few minutes our classroom is full but theres no sign of the teacher, "he must of gotten caught in traffic" Amber says standing up. "(y/n)" Nico whispers grabbing my arm "follow me" he adds standing up. No one notices us leave which is weird but i follow him anyway. "come on" he says pulling me down the corridor, "where are we going?" i ask as i stumble along behind him. " i have a question" he says as soon as were away from everyone. "couldn't you ask me in the classroom?" i ask him "no. Who are your parents?" he says staring at me, "uh my dad is (your dads name) and he never talk about my mum" i say shrugging. "how long have you been at this school?" he asks deadly serious. "only a year, I'm new" i say tilting my head. "i thought so" he says nodding. "come on lets go abck" he says turning away and walking back down the corridor.
-time skip-
The lights in the class flickered and all went out at the same time, Because of the storm outside it was totally dark. "hey who turned out the lights" Isabel says making another girl shriek. "everyone stay calm" the teacher says, i can hear him stumbling over his chair. I feel a hand grab mine in the darkness and pull me up, "stay quiet" Nico whispers right in my ear. his hand tugs mine until we are right at the back of the classroom. "ok, where is (y/n) and Nico?" someone asks standing up. It sounds like a guy. "probably at their desks" someone says "why do you care about those dorks anyway" they add, Nicos hand tightens over mine. "WHERE ARE THEY!" the guy yells, then he sets on fire. Everyone in the class screams and falls over each other to get to the door. "Nico' i hiss when he doesn't move, his hand slowly moves to hid belt and he pulls out a dagger. "where did you get that" i say startled "a sword is harder to conceal so i... borrowed... it from a friend" he says holding it ready. The "Thing turns towards us and smirks. "i finally found you" it says taking a step towards us, i back up into Nico so his arm is over me. "your not gonna catch us that easy flame dork" he says throwing the knife at him. the flames hiss out and everything goes dark. too dark. "hold on" Nico says holding tightly onto me. Then a light appars, blinding me and were definitely not at school anymore.

(i ship percabeth so much but ill make an exception for this)
Percy Jackson: I haven't been at camp half blood for long but I've already seen some pretty weird things, this went over the top though. I walk along the lake to clear my mind so hear i am, I've decided to walk up the dock because i haven't explored that yet. I reach the end and sit down on the damp planks with my feet grazing the surface of the water. "hey" a boy says popping up from the water. "uh hey, are you a mermaid?" i ask confused. He has long black hair and sweet seaweed green eyes, he's wearing swimming shorts and one of those necklaces. "nope, just a son of posioden' he says grinning, "your eyes are really pretty" he says pulling himself up next to me. i pink blush creeps up my face and i smile slightly. He's not wet at all so I'm guessing thats a posioden thing. "well i have to go back, nice to meet you, i'm Percy by the way" he says holding out his hand. "(y/n) good to meet you too" i say shaking his hand. i smile as he walks back to his cabin. i have a good feeling about this Percy guy.
(Im sorry that was so short)

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