a lonebutterfly...🦋👀

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I belong from a middle class family where family members are busy in their world. Although my family was a joint family but still I am very alone, I was not that much friendly  with anyone  neither my classmate nor childrens of my same age in my neighbourhood. Books are my frnds from childhood.

In my family we are all total 11 members and I am the only daughter of my family that's why they have given me the outermost freedom in a male dominating society.

When i was a child I was aself lovie.I was very happy in my own world of music, painting,short story writing.
My life was full of colours and flower's.
I realise the meaning of love and what does it meant for lovers when i was surrounded by my classmates where everyone except 5 of us were committed.

I find it crazy but it seems cute when my frnds often tease me with my best friend's name . if I'll  tell the truth i have feelings for him...it was like a small crush on him, or u can say it is an attraction.  As it was a new thing for me i told about this to my mom she told me that it was the effect of age.

I have had learnt many things im my life as well as from my mistakes; back then self love and family support  was enough for me , but by the end of the 10th session I also learn a important  lesson that...

In my childhood  my parents  were my 1st priority , my career was my 2nd priority and that's it the end of my list . but, when i entered in my teenage I began to crave for love...

      I need someone at that time by my side who can love me in the way I love him, who can adore me, pamper me and spoil me with his love basically at that time I need emotional  attatchment with a stranger to whom I can call "mine".

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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