Hopeful: Part 2

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As the days passed, my anticipation for the party grew stronger until finally it was Friday afternoon and I could barely contain my excitement. When I got home from school that day, I see my mom standing at the kitchen counter with a radiant smile on her face.

"I got you a present! It's waiting for you in your room, "she tells me as she turns and walks back towards the stove.

"Thanks, mom! Do I get to open it now?" I ask excitedly.

"You've earned it. I'm so proud of you for trying to make friends this quickly and being so open to this change Enya..."

I walk into my room and see a package wrapped in silver paper with a bunch of multicolored butterflies on it. I can't believe how beautiful the colors are against the light blue background. I quickly tear the paper off and start to pull the ribbon that's tied around the box. The bow falls to the ground as I remove the lid.

In the gift box there is a beautiful unique necklace made made of tiny iridescent crystals that twinkle like stars in the night sky. The charm itself is a bottle of glittering sand, sealed inside so that it will never run out. It's like a little world filled with possibilities; I can almost imagine myself swimming through it, exploring its depths and uncovering all the secrets that lie within. The chain is delicate and thin and hangs gracefully around my neck when I hold it up to take in its beauty. Its design is intricate yet simple enough to make it look elegant and timeless. The necklace feels delicate yet strong in my hands: a reminder of what life holds for me in this new place - an invitation for me to explore my surroundings filled with wonder and possibility. As I lift the necklace out of the box, the facets of light on the crystals catch my eye and make me feel even more excited for the night ahead - this would be perfect to wear to the party! My mom had truly found something unique for me.

I put on the necklace, admiring its beauty as it shimmers against my skin. I take a few moments to admire my reflection in the mirror and savor this moment of being able to express myself. I then make my way to the living room where my parents sit.

"Habibi, habibt," I say as I walk up to them, twirling around so they can get a full glimpse of what their gift had done for me. "Look at what you got me!"

My parents look at each other in amazement and smile with pure joy that comes from seeing their child happy and content. Their expressions say it all: there is nothing more rewarding than knowing that your child is loved and appreciated. I thank them for being so kind and giving me such an amazing gift- something that will be with me forever no matter where life takes me.

As my feet creaked against the wooden stairs leading to my bedroom, I feel an emptiness in my chest that reminds me of Katya back home. We used to spend hours getting ready for parties, practicing dance moves and trading clothes and jewelry. Her bubbly personality would always lighten up my mood, no matter how bad things were at home. Even if we couldn't physically be together, thinking of her brought a kind of warmth that I've never felt before - a warmth that can only come from someone you love.

Then there's Alhem. When I'm around her, it feels as if sparks are flying from every direction. She's wild and vibrant, always keeping me on my toes; even though we don't know each other well yet, I am drawn to her wit and intelligence. Everything seems to come more easily when she's around. There's something else too - a feeling I can't put into words but that causes my heart to race with anticipation whenever I see her.

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