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“H-how. . .how did this happen. . .”

“Can we stop him. . .?”

On places both hands to her head and clenches her hair tight, her eyes were shaking as she looked down.

“I. . .I don’t think we can. . .”



A creaking sound was heard and the three children flinched and turned to see who it was. . .only to be. . .

‘N-no. . .oh no!’

‘Not again!!!’

It all started one sunny afternoon, Cale and the children were walking around the capital for the celebration of Alberu’s first year as Emperor. Every market was on sale as they gave out lots of cool merchandise around. None of them has eaten yet, and all the markets they’ve checked on did not have any sort of snacks to eat. Therefore, the hungry children decided to annoy their father for the past 15 minutes. . .


“I’m hungryyyyy~”

-Human where are all the food stands!! I have my own money but I cannot find any shops here that sell snacks!! Where are they!

The three of them did not care at all the fact Cale’s eyebrow kept twitching. It was funny, plus, they already know that Cale will buy them food sooner or later. That’s why he started speed walking looking for any food stands in this crowded area. Hong wasn’t that hungry but still meows for food, because just thinking about the snacks promised to be somewhere here made him want to try some.

“Nya~ I’m hungry”

Cale was done, no matter how much these children have grown, they still act like children, Cale didn’t mind that, they should enjoy their childhood while it last. . .but annoying him with food. . .he couldn’t tell them to quiet down, he didn’t want to hurt their feelings. But he was already exhausted from helping out with the celebration and even waking up early to walk around with the children. That was why. . .Cale subconsciously replied to Hong with the:

“Hi hungry I’m Cale.”

“Ne. . “


. . .?”

They all stop their footsteps and stared at Cale dumbfounded. What did he say?. . .was that a joke. . .?

-human, that joke wasn’t funny.

Cale himself could not believe what he had just said. It sounded so unlike him, he wasn’t the one to make jokes. . .especially these types of jokes. . .but-


Just seeing their expressions upon saying that joke was hilarious, he knows he shouldn’t make fun of them, but it was just too funny seeing them like that. The children continue to stare at Cale dumbfounded until Cale waved his hand and continued walking.

“Sorry sorry, let’s go find a food stand now.”


“Right. . .”

-. . .

On shaked her head and decided to ignore what had just happened, it’s not like it's important or anything. Right?

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