Part 03

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An hour after creating the portal to another universe Sam and Melloetta were discussing their plans for entering the portal.
"So we have the portal now what's our game plan?" Sam exclaimed.
"Well one of us should stay on the airship in order to protect it in case any danger were to come and I was thinking I would stay on the airship while you scouted out the universe."
Sam paused for a moment before replying.
"Me? Wouldn't it be better for you to scout instead? You do have more experience then me." Sam exclaimed. "That's true but this way you can get lots of experience by getting a taste of the action in person." " do have a fair point. Alright I can do it but how will I get back home? Will the portal still be open for the entire time that I'm gone?" Sam questioned.

"No I'm going to close it when you enter the universe. Just contact me and I'll open it back up again. Now as for the objective itself your going to locate and find where Dark void is in the universe. Once you find him do not engage in combat, go to where you exited the portal and use a communication device to contact me so I can send you back home. Once you come back we will then both head into the universe and finally defeat Dark void for real this time." Melloetta exclaimed.
"How do we know he will still be in the universe?"

"Well...that's hard to tell, I'll try and come up with some sort of technology that can track him better while your gone. But that's the plan. Get in, find Dark void and get out. Try not to let the locals know your from another universe also as that might cause some concern." Melloetta replied.
"Sounds good! I'll get my stuff ready now. Anything else I should know?"
"Nope that's it! Take your time with packing by the way. Your not in a big rush." Melloetta exclaimed.
"Got it! I'll be back in a bit."

Sam headed out of the lab to gather the essentials that he needed. His weapons, a communication device to contact Melloetta withand other miscellaneous items. He also made sure his translator attachment on his glasses was still working. He could be going into a universe with an unrecognizable language and the gadget would help tremendously.
Now that he thought about it he was carrying quite a bit, maybe he could make something to make it easier to carry stuff but right now he was fine.
With all his gear He headed back to the lab and started to feel a bit nervous I mean this was gonna be his first real mission but nonetheless he felt confident.

Sam entered the lab with Melloetta holding a copy of his communication device.
"You got this?" She exclaimed. Sam took out and pressed the button on his device. "Yep! Does yours work?" His response was heard from Melloettas device. She did the same as she spoke "Yep it does!" Her response was heard from Sams device too. They both chuckled as they got more serious.

"You feel ready though?" Melloetta exclaimed. "I'm a bit nervous but I feel ready. I can do this don't worry." "Good but remember at any time you can head back, don't feel ashamed if you don't feel up for it." Melloetta exclaimed.
"I'll keep that in mind...well I guess this is goodbye for now I'm not sure how long I'll be gone for." "That's true now make sure to call me when you land in the new universe I wanna make sure your safe." Melloetta replied.
"Got it! Well I'll see you when I see you!"

Sam walked up to the portal feeling stressed out "You got this Sam!" Suddenly hearing Melloettas praise made him feel much more confident. He turned and gave her a smile as she beamed back at him. He turned to face the portal taking a deep breath.
And walked right through.

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