Part 12

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"Here they come! Get ready!" Sam exclaimed.
The group of octolings charged at Sam and Korra with one of the octolings hair flashing.
"One of them has a special! Be ready!"
The octoling with the flashing hair then jumped into the air as the other octolings cheered her on. The octolings hand then started to flash a black colour.
With little time to react Sam rolled out of the way before the bomb was thrown and exploded near the two.

Sam got back to his feet and suddenly felt his arm sting with pain. Some of the black ink had hit him. But regular ink doesn't hurt humans like him so why does this dark one hurt...
"Heads up Korra! This ink is different it hurts a lot more!"
"Got it!" Korra replied.
Sam noticed the octolings split apart from each other to attack him and Korra. He readied his weapon as he fired green ink at the incoming octolings.
He shot a couple as they dropped to the ground looking unconscious.

"Huh strange..." suddenly a octoling appeared behind Sam. He noticed and started firing his weapon but his weapon was out of ammo already. "Out already?? Not good!" The octoling raised their paint roller and swung it down at Sam. He grabbed the roller but the ink burned his hands in the process.

"SAM!" Sam sharply inhaled his breath and then suddenly noticed the octolings face. Sam took the roller from the octoling and threw it away. He grabbed the octoling and pushed her gently against the wall.
"KORRA I NEED A HAND!" Almost instantly a purple shot was fired from Korra as it hit the octoling right in the head.

Korra came up from behind Sam
"I've delt with the octolings! Are you ok!? Your hands looks like it was stung by a jellyfish!" "I'm fine don't worry...Korra I think these octolings were fighting against their will." Sam exclaimed.
"What? What do you mean?"
"I saw the look on one of their faces...they looked like they didn't want to fight us at all but something seemed to be controlling them."
"But what was controlling them then? Or who?" Korra exclaimed.
"I think it has to do with that room where they came out from" Sam looked over to the room in question.

"Let's go check it out" Sam exclaimed.
"But...your arm you need to see a doctor!"
"I'm fine...besides I need to see this through I can't stand watching those octolings unwillingly fight." Sam replied.
"Well ok...let's wrap this up."
Sam and Korra made their way over to where the octolings were coming from. Sam opened the door and entered first. What he saw shocked him to say the least.

Signs of dark goo were found all around the room which looked to be a control room of sorts. Screens monitoring all around the subway with cameras and paper scattered all around a big table. "This is a very creepy room..." Korra exclaimed.
"Yea let's search the room quickly before something happens."

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