An Afternoon at the Library (Frank x Eddie)

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3rd POV:

Today was as normal as can be for Frank, taking care of the library (and butterflies), reading to the "little demons" as he liked to call them, and reorganizing the books for the 17th time in the 5 hours it was open. Eddie was supposed to bring in the mail around 3:00 PM, but...he was late. 17 minutes and 9 seconds late to be exact. As he was staring at the door while wiping down the countertop, he heard the *ring* of the doorbell. Was that Eddie Dear?

"Gooood morning, Mr Frankly! I don't have any packages for you, but, I want to say something to you... Privately, perhaps?" Frank dropped the books he was reorganizing, grabbed Eddie's hand and dragged him into the closet.

"Alright, what do you want, Eddie? I need to organize the books because of those little demons running around being all-"

"Calm down, Frankie. I just wanted to visit you and spend time with you! Didn't you say you wanted to do something with me someday?" Frank thought about it. He *did* say that he would spend time with him.

"... Fine. But don't pull out any of the books, I just organised them." As Frank said those words, Eddie searched around foe a good place to sit in the employee room, which was barely used at all.

"Frankie! I found somewhere we can sit and talk about stuff!" He pointed to the employee room, while shuffling through the boxes of new books.

"EDDIE DON'T TOUCH THOSE BOOKS!" Frank yelled as loud as can be and pulled him away from the stack. Just as Frank grabbed his arm, Eddie pulled his collar to collapse into each other's arms. The two both looked at each other in confusion. Eddie was going to pull Frank in for a hug, but he had other plans. He pulled him in for a kiss, the one thing he swore to himself that he would never do to Eddie.

"... what was that?"

"How would I know? You done it first!" The both of them laughed until their stomachs ached because of how stupid they were. After Frank and Eddie were done lollygagging, Frank was the one to ask, "Do you want to take a stroll around the neighborhood?" Eddie replied with a nod as he helped the librarian up, still snickering.

⏤͟͟͞͞   ☆395 words⏤͟͟͞͞.  ☆

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