Chapter one

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Contentment. It means a state of happiness and satisfaction.

That's what you felt when you were with your boyfriend for years when you were younger you had dreamed of the perfect man who would choose you over the world and when you met Blake your wish had come true.

Or so you believed.

You two have been together for over 3 years but just 3 months into your relationship he had become unfaithful and would say he was being forced to work longer hours so he couldn't talk or stay at yours when really he was going out and seeing other women but 7 months ago he realised how cruel his actions were and how much he really loved you so he cut contact with every women he cheated on you with and devoted his life to making everything right with you.

But Blake has one teensy tiny problem. Every single girl he cheated on you with has met his parents reason why? He lives with his parents. Well 'lived' he doesn't anymore when he decided to have his so called 'redemption' he moved out of his parents house and moved in with you but truthfully that's not how his parents know and it's not both parents just his father.

Blakes father is known as 'The devil himself' for many reasons of them being his name which just so happens to be Lucifer. The other being that he used be an assassin for a gang and his cover name was literally "Diablo" which means "Devil" he had a kill count of around 500,000 in total of all his years of being an assassin. He is also a master manipulator,a maniac, and soon to be an obsessive bastard.

Blake's parents only know of you through stories from their son now Lucifer whenever he thinks of you he thinks of a nice girl who is perfect for his son he loves all of your traits but due to knowing about his sons unfaithfulness he believes his son does not deserve you and his belief only gets stronger when he sees you in person.

Every feeling he's ever had for his wife disappears, his anger towards his son for being unfaithful grows stronger, his love for you becomes obsessive. HE becomes obsessive to the point that he would kill his own wife and son just for you to love him.

But when he sees your loyalty and devotion to his son it only makes him crave you more and so he does everything and I mean EVERYTHING he can to make you his even if it means breaking your mind just so you will be his.

Now I never explained how being a former assassin for a gang allows Lucifer to know of his sons unfaithfulness. Just because he's retired doesn't mean he lost all connections with the gang every single member of that gang shows respect to Lucifer and when they saw his son being unfaithful they told Lucifer.

Currently Lucifer is now a boss at his company and soon will be given a promotion that will make him a CEO of that company chain which will give him more power than he already has.

This man is not to be trusted but don't know that. You don't know anything. You think everything is perfect for you well it is for now but when the father of your boyfriend is introduced to you that's where you perfect life crumbles and so does your so called 'perfect relationship' and your 'perfect' boyfriend.

Oh how much fun this is going to be. Enjoy the ride but don't get too comfortable there are many steep hills on this ride and it's very very dangerous. Enjoy the ride and don't lose your head :)

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