Chapter two

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It was warm very warm not warm enough to be uncomfortable but warm enough to feel safe in the arms of the person who was making you warm.

The blood rushed to your cheeks when the arms wrapped around your waist tightened their grip pulling you closer to the hard chest the warmth you felt before growing stronger as his body heat mixed with yours.

Your eyes were full from tiredness you wanted to go back to sleep but you couldn't not while the person was moving their hands around your body these hands were unfamiliar they didn't belong to anyone you knew.

The were bigger than you boyfriends hands,they hand veins going up them,the chest was more toned and had multiple scars scattered across his chest,arms and shoulders but his face was blurry all you could see where his black locks that were filled with a couple of strands of brown and silver.

His hands rub circles on your back as he moves his head and lays it on your shoulder he moves his head to the side and places his lips on your neck leaving them there for a while.

He lets himself linger there for a few moments seemingly captivated by the feeling of your pulse against his lips.

Without a warning he bites down hard his teeth breaking the delicate skin not hard enough to kill but hard enough to leave a mark, he pulled away from the mark that he had left in your skin and his blurry faced seemed to be staring at the mark with pride.

You could feel the sheets move as he moved his body so he was now pinning you between him and he bed his rough but gentle hands gripped onto your wrists as he moved his face closer to yours before placing his lips onto yours the kiss started off gentle but became rougher and more passionate by the second he moved one his hands down your body moving closer to your crotch his hands slipped into your panties and....

The blood rushed to your face completely covering it in a bright red colour your breathing was heavy and laboured, sweat trailed down your face you laid on your back staring at the ceiling gripping your shirt where your heart was feeling as it raced with excitement.

You looked to your left and saw your boyfriend Blake his silver hair covering his eyes your eyes trailed to his arms they seemed a bit small compared to the ones that belonged to the man in your dream.

Did this class as cheating? Probably not but its probably best not to mention it. Blake could go crazy if you did.

A tired groan left your boyfriends lips and you smiled rubbing your fingers through his hair moving any strands away from his eyes when he opened his eyes he looked up at you with adoration and his lips turned into a wide smile.

He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him "morning love." His voice was still raspy from having only just woken up his arms tightened their grip on your waist

"Come on hun. Time to get up we've got a lot to do today." You said messing up his hair

"You mean meeting my parents?" Blake said sarcastically as he sat up

"It's my first time meeting them. I'm excited." You said smiling

"You're also worried they won't accept you." He said

"That's true.." you sighed

"I promise that they will love you but not as much as I love you though." Blake smiled as he kisses the back of your neck. "No one could love you as much as I love you."

You smiled and pressed your back against his chest "alright then let's get dressed and get this day over with no problems or worries." You said smiling making Blake's heart flutter.

If only poor Blake knew how shitty things are going to turn out for him and how much danger he's putting you in


Dirty secrets((Y. Boyfriends dad x reader))Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant