HOSTAGE (Cha Eun woo x ForeignF!OC) PT. 1

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Disclaimer: Guns, bomb mentioned, violence briefly mentioned. This is not based on a real life event, the cafe and situation are completely fictional. Besides Cha Eun woo himself, the plot and characters belong to me.


She shouldn't have stayed in the restroom for so long.

Standing next to the restroom entrance strangely felt safe. The situation that was happening was not on her agenda for this week.

She could hear the police sirens nearing the cafe as people's screams scattered throughout the cafe.

"Shut up! Everyone stop screaming or I'll shoot!"

The bathroom was far enough, but she could here everything so clearly.

Muffled sobs ensued and she knew that she was going to be part of that group of people with the ways her eyes were watering.

'I have to stay quiet. What's going on? Do I hide in here longer? What if they find me?'

The last thought led her to looking down at her purse.

She was always prepared, but she had nothing to help with this situation.

All she could do was try to see or hear what's happening.

Grateful for the restroom entrances being hidden down a small hallway, she slowly peaked out and saw that she was out of visual range of the man.

Slowly exhaling she was about to walk out when she heard some movement in the men's restroom.

Her head snapped towards that direction in time for her to make contact with a tall looking man.

She instantly placed her finger in shushing motion over her own mask.

He nodded his head, and with her worries leaving, she turned back and decided that it was okay for her to hide in the restroom.

The sirens arrived and all she could hear was various shouting of what she could assume were police.

She quickly messaged her family one message
"There's a crazy man with a gun in the building. I'm hiding in the restroom. I'm sorry that I didn't call this week, but I want you guys to know I love y'all. I know it sounds crazy but the police are here and I don't know what'll happen. Love you all."

Tears ran down her face as she bit down into the collar of her sweater in order to muffle the sounds.

She couldn't risk talking, but she knew she needed to stop making noise.
She saw a figure enter too quickly for her to react.

Her quiet squeal was thankfully muffled by her sleeves, as she almost had a heart attack.

It was the same man, but he had his mask off.

Despite seeing him wear the same clothes, and him having an extremely pretty face, she was understandably wary.

For once, she was grateful the cafe was a big one or else the gun man would have forced them to come out of the restroom.

Everything was happening too fast.


' Was that the police?'

' I need to hide!'

She couldn't risk being caught if the tall guy outed himself.

Making eye contact with the guy, she pulled him to the second to last stall, and they hid.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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