Part 2: the news

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We went on CBS News and the News tells us about the asteroid. The news tells us that 2 weeks of disaster will cause destruction in the U.S.

News Man: Good evening and welcome to CBS news. tonight's story is the asteriod event. we have gotten update that the asteriod will cause disasters. here's the disasters, a 10.9 earthquake in California, a 100 meter Tsunami hitting the pacific coast, a blizzard in the northeast, severe floods in the south, tornado outbreaks in the midwest, eruptions in the northwest volcanoes, then a yellowstone and long valley super eruptions. followed by a hurricane in the gulf coast. everyone must get ready for tomorrow more on the story as it develops.

Amanda: well we move to L.A today so lets go

Mark: this is not good. is Amanda trying to get us killed

Logan: She might be.

Mark: Lets just hope we survive

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