Chapter 4: See you again

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Wren and I made it to the Town Center since it was around noon. People where everywhere and the center was lively. All the shops where open and kids running around. Food stalls steaming with delicious foods, and shop workers calling out for people to buy their wares.

"Wow..." Wren said, her face lit up in the glow from the town.

"Pretty crazy right? After being out in the world, you'd never guess this was here." I smiled looking at her. "What do you want to do first?"

"Can I get a hair cut first?" she asked, her long black hair nearly to her butt and covering her face most of the time.

"Yes sir, follow me." I started off to the barber.

A little open-faced room, no front wall, and a spiral barber sign out front spinning around. A couple red barber chairs are sitting spaced out in the room, a man and a girl next to a chair.

"Can she go now?" I asked the barber and the girl nods. "They can take you now, just sit in her chair," I said to Wren.

"I'm nervous..." she said softly.

"Nervous for not looking like the girl from the Ring?" I poked at her, she scoffed and walked up and sat in the chair. "I'm gonna sneak some chips in Tali's house, I'll be back soon." I smiled and waved.

"Your relentless..." Wren said quietly. "J...just come back soon." I gave her a wave and ran off.

I successfully put a few thousand in chips in Tali's house and got out without being noticed. I passed the Cowboy's embassy entrance and went back to the town.

The Cowboys are another originally named gang in Eos. As you'd expect, they dress like cowboys, but more like western cowboys. Even talk like it too. There is a total of four gangs in Omaha, The Kings, run by King. The Rednecks are run by that crazy bastard Dum Dum. The Cowboys are run by Riddler, a cowboy who likes riddles. Hella annoying!

The last gang is something else... Well, it's not the weirdest thing about this world. The Idols, a gang run by the former Japanese Idol, Emiko. She was on tour, and the world went to shit when she was playing in Eos. Have you ever seen what Idols wear when they preform? Very bright, very colorful, very frilly clothes. Now imagine every member wearing hot pink dresses killing a ton of Freaks. The Idols are only females.

Since Eos is the only town alive until Colorado, the four gangs fought for control over Eos. It was a nasty war, many people died, and for a while, more people died from that war than Freaks. The war was still going on when I showed up, it ended a couple months later, with them agreeing to make Embassies, in Eos, and each leader is a member of the council.

The council has six members, who hold regular scheduled meetings. They argue about useless stuff and nothing at all. It's honestly amazing... sometimes they even argue the same point, but they all say it louder and differently. An argument like that once went on for two weeks.

The council also takes votes from the populous on how to run Eos and how to rebuild. They also delegate supply runs and shit like that. Emiko, Riddler, Dum Dum, King, and an elected person from the Town Center. The person they have now is a guy named Doug.

Yes, that is the name he chose...

I figured enough time has passed, and I should make my way back to Wren. I spot the red, white, and blue striped barber thing, and head to it. Some person with purple hair bumps into me and she falls to the ground.

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