Chapter 15: I'll Melt With You

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Wren woke up but still felt hot and nearly drank the ocean dry of water. She told me about her weird dreams, and reliving all those moments, so clearly it was like I was there too.

"Saren..." she said softly, "Were you scared?"

"No way, I don't get scared," I said.

"I thought you were done lying," She said with a sly smirk.

"Heh... you got me there. I was terrified that you weren't going to wake up, and if you did... that it wasn't going to be you that woke up," I said.

"I want a hug," she said, throwing the blankets off. "Saren... why am I naked?" she asked, looking down at her body.

"Well... it wasn't for weird stuff if you were worried about that," I laughed awkwardly. "You sweated through all your sleeping clothes and a couple of sheets. Plus, you began to stink like a dead body, so I had to clean you."

"Man... I missed you giving me sponge baths," she sighed.

"More like a wet cloth bath, but yeah," I said.

"You'll just have to show me how you did that later," she smirked. "To see if you did anything weird."

"Just woke up off your deathbed and already want to get freaky," I laughed. Then Wren started to try and sit up. She was struggling until I helped her.

"I'm so weak," she said dejectedly.

"You just woke up from a 3-day coma, where you lost an insane amount of water. I almost had to kill a whole Survivor City to get more of these bags," I pointed to the two sucked-dry saline bags on the floor. I kept a hand on her back to keep her sitting up.

"Survivor City? Where are we?" she asked.

I smiled and held out my hand, "Want to see?" She nodded, and I helped her stand up. We shuffled to the covered-up window and smiled at her. "Ready?"

"Yeah," she smiled.

I pulled the curtain open, showing the bright blue ocean, the Santa Monica Pier, and a pirate ship sailing through the waters.

"Woah... pirate ships?" she said. "Wait! That's... we made it?" She smiled and looked up at me.

"We made it. I had to go to the pier to get the IV stuff, but I made sure not to step foot on it. I just waited outside until Alpha and her Dad brought the stuff."

"Who's Alpha?" she asked.

"A girl I saved when I went out looking for med supplies. Her Dad, Charlie, runs a medical clinic on the pier. He gave me the stuff to keep you alive," I said with a smile.

"Is she pretty?" Wren asked.

"What? No, she isn't my type," I said.

"Oh yeah... who is your type then?" she said, her voice filling with anger. I hugged her from behind as we looked out the window.

"Half-dead girls obsessed with me, with short purple hair," I said. She laughed and nodded.

"I'll take it. So, when are we going to the pier?" she asked.

"Uhm, as soon as you can stand on your own," I said.

"I can stand on my own!" she said. I let go of her, and she nearly fell. I wrapped my arms around her again. "I-I wasn't ready!"

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