netflix and chill

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Me and Jacob are watching Netflix in the guest room.
I feel something on my shoulder, it's his hand. I look up at him and he is smirking, omg thats so hot you think
"Hey y/n" Jacob says as he paused the TV, "yes?" I say
"Um like I just said, we just met but, I'm inlove with you. I've always been since I saw you that one day" Jacob confess "omg, I feel the same way, I've always have since i was 14!" I say
he's looking at me, I'm looking at him, he leans in and he kisses me, I kiss back and it turns out into a make out session
I get on top of him and he graps me by the waist, he turns me over now he's on top of me, he starts kissing all over my face and more and more
"Wait how old are you again, y/n?" Jacob says, out of breath
"I would've been a junior in college but I dropped out so 20" I say
"Oh I'm 20 too" he says
Imagine the rest

————-authors note——
Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter is little short but it's ok!
next chapter will be a bit longer

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