Chapter 10

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Shoto breathed heavily as the cold burned his lungs. He couldn't wait. He had to get to Katsuki. He heard the snow behind him as someone followed behind him. He ran faster trying to keep ahead. He didn't know who it was, he just knew he needed to get to Katsuki. Katsuki was chopping wood. It was his only way to escape from the fact Shoto was locked away. He missed him. He tried not too think about it but it weighed on him like a heavy rock. He hit the wood watching it snap. That's when he heard it.


Katsuki dropped his axe when he heard the gunshot. "Icyhot" he ran out towards the sound. "ICYHOT!" he called out. Shoto saw Katsuki he fell to his knees as he gripped his chest. Katsuki looked but he saw no one as he caught Shoto in his arms "Stay with me baby! I'll get you to a doctor!" Shoto wheezed as he tried to catch his breath for air. He couldn't think but he knew he had too. He looked at Katsuki "Y-you have to run" he whispered.

"I'm not leaving you" he started carrying Shoto to his truck. The snow was deep he wasn't sure if it would even start in cold like this. "i-I" he whispered. "Shoto keep talking ok? Just keep talking baby" He laid Shoto in the seat before he started the truck. The truck sputtered as it struggled to start. "Come on dammit!" Shoto's gaze dulled as he dropped the stopwatch into Katsuki's lap. "m-my was h-him" he cried out.


atsuki looked at him "Save your breath ok?" He started his truck again hearing it sputter, he kept trying to start it but it was too cold. "FUCKING WORK DAMMIT!" he cried out. Shoto spaced out as he struggled to breathe, he did it. He made things right. He grew pale as he continued to bleed out. Katsuki began to panic more, the love of his life was dying. He got out of the truck and began to push it, if he at least got it down the hill onto the road it would hopefully start.

He heeved as he pushed his truck. He ran getting back inside it as it started to move. When it slid in the snow down the hill Katsuki started it. Finally the truck worked. He cried out in relief that it finally turned on before speeding onto the road. His tires slid as he turned before heading to town. "Icyhot? Come on keep talking to me baby" he glanced at shoto before looking at the road. You took away my family don't you dare take away My love too! YOU HEAR ME?!

Shoto groaned as he tried to form words but didn't have much energy left. He shivered as a gasp for air left him. "Shoto! Shoto please!" He noticed in the rearview mirror he was being followed. He looked closer, it was Enji. Fuck. He swerved as his truck got shot at. He couldn't understand what was happening. What did shoto find to make Enji this pissed? "Dammit sho, what's going on!?" He gently shook him as he floored the gas. He could barely see through the snow but he had to save him.

Katsuki reached for the radio attached to his dashboard and began to try to get a hold of someone in town. "Please if anyone can here me im in deep shit! There's a man chasing me with a gun on highway 2! My boyfriend was shot I need help!" He screamed. He kept trying with seemingly no luck. He was 30 minutes away from town now. Shoto was barely alive. Enji was still trying to shoot him off the road but the snow was thick so it helped mask katsuki's truck.

When all hope felt lost he saw sirens in the distance "YES! OH MY GOD!" He started hitting his horn to let them know he was there before pulling over. He waved the ambulance down as he carried shoto out. "please!" He cried out. A medic took Shoto lying him on the stretcher. "We will do our best, he's in good hands" The medic spoke before rushing Shoto to the local hospital.

Katsuki still had Shoto's blood on his hands. He had only one thing on his mind now. Revenge. He got back in his truck and turned speeding back down the road. He saw Enji in the distance and pressed more on the gas. He could barely stay on the road but he was determined to kill Enji. He crashed head on into the front of Enji's car. "MOTHERFUCKER!" Enji yelled. Katsuki slammed into his car again causing Enji to slide off the road over a hill. Enji pressed on the brakes desperately trying to keep himself steady enough to shoot. But he couldn't. Fear struck his eyes as his car began sliding down off the road backwards.

He tried pumping the brakes but nothing seemed to work. His car crashed at the bottom of the ravine. A tree branch broke through the car impaling Enji. Katsuki came down the mountain on foot to make sure Enji would never be found alive. "Y-you son of a bitch!" Enji struggled to breathe before quickly realizing he was dying. Katsuki saw the sight of him. He couldn't help but smirk. His silhouette illuminated in the moonlit snow. His eyes burned red with hatred. "You took everything from me. My family, my home, and my love" katsuki growled. Enji cried out as Katsuki pulled the branch through him more. Before Enji could speak, his body grew limb.

His eyes were glazed with fear as he took his final breath. "You will not hurt my love anymore" He ran back up the mountain getting back in his truck. Shoto flashed through his mind. "I love you" echoed as he kept replaying his memories over and over to try and figure out what happened. But he couldn't. Tears streamed down his face before soft cries began to leave him. "I promise...if you live I'll fucking propose" he cried. When he got to the hospital he was a wreck. Shoto was in surgery so he wasn't able to see him. He wasn't family so he didn't hear any updates until Fuyumi arrived with his brothers.

16 hours passed, nothing. They didn't know if he was alive or dead. Katsuki gave as much information as he could but still he was left with the unknown. What did shoto find? Katsuki was told to go home after an additional 10 hours of waiting. When he got home he held the stopwatch close to his chest. Tears fell down his face as heavier cries left him. He at this point knew shoto was gone. He screamed before throwing the stopwatch on the floor breaking it. His eyes widened when he saw the paper that was inside it. He opened it seeing it was the title. Shoto died keeping his promise. He was an absolute wreck. He held the title close as he punched a hole in his wall.

Weeks went by, still no news, he figured they thought he killed Shoto. He came to a point where didn't want news. Shoto was gone, he knew it, but why did he need the closure? He didn't even deserve it. He decided he was going to pay the family his respects. It was the least he could do.

How am I supposed to say goodbye?

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