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Not every person is lucky enough to live a life they always wished for. Not even everyone knows what they desire from the life itself. From what I have noticed, one part wants fame, another wants money. There is also the part that wishes for knowledge. For me, I always wanted a family. The one I could truly trust and depend on. In other words, people with whom I belong. I guess, those kinds of wishes were expected from an orphan.

 Yes, that's me Kathryn Swan. A naïve little orphan from West of London. What's so different about me some might think. In my adoption journals it is noted that I originated from France and somehow got sent here, to London. Besides that little blip there nothing too exciting about me. Well maybe, the fact that I can wield magical powers. And living in 1890's it was quite out of ordinary to find a muggle born witch especially a late bloomer like me. Knowing now, I guess the deep childhood trauma kept my magical abilities dormant. So that's why only on my fifteenth birthday I received an invitation to school for witches and wizards. Of course, my first thought was that's a prank from the other kids. But little did I knew how wrong I was.

 I still remember how it all began. It was the day after my birthday, an old man came and requested my presence. He introduced as Eleazar Fig, professor of the school I got invited to. He tried to explain how he got assigned to teach me everything that I missed. Apparently he was the only one that cared about someone like me. Cared enough to bring magic to my life. To bring me into Hogwarts and try to become its legacy. He was the first person who I trusted my future to. At that time I guess I didn't have much to choose from. Either be an orphan until I hit eighteen or take a leap of faith. We had about three months to catch me up with regular students. They were the last three months I slept peacefully. Well until I met him. The boy who saved my life before I even knew it and after I saved him.

September 1st, 1890

"It appears we are almost ready to depart. It's a pity we didn't have a bit more time to spend on spell casting. I presume you've been practicing the spells we worked on." Fig comes around from carriage.

"I have, professor." I twirl the wand around my fingers, excitement bursting through my smile.

"Well, I'm quite sure I'd never seen anyone take so quickly to a secondhand wand. You'll be force to be reckoned with when you get your own." I worked every day to perfect the basic spells that my classmates learned from the first year to now.

"Thank you professor Fig. I appreciate you working with me before the term begins..." -swish- Captivating our attention appears professors friend from Ministry. The man had his back facing us. "George!" professor calls, making him turn around - "Ah! Eleazar." He approaches us and shakes professor's hand.

"Glad my rather cryptic description of our location did not thought you're finding us."

"I evaporated to more vaguely to find destinations than this. Though I confess, I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try. Gave quite the fright to some theater goers in the west end." George jokes, earnings a few giggles out of me.

"It's been much too long since I received your owl I must say, I..." the man cuts off professor "Best not speak here, Eleazar." The two of them exchange similar looks "Of course."

"Why down we speak on route to Hogwarts. We have a start of term feast and a sorting ceremony to get to."

"Wonderful idea! As long as this young lady here doesn't mind me tagging along."

"Not at all, sir." I give the man a sweet smile "After you." Professor gestures for me to go first.

"Ages since I've been to the castle. Would be good to see the old pile of rocks." George reminisces, taking a seat in front of me and professor. And with the tower bells chiming, we take off.

"Glad I caught you before you left for Scotland." George exhales "Just barely" Fig adds

"And who is your traveling companion?" I share similar face expression with Fig as he says "New student" Georges mouth slightly gapes open in shock "New?"

"Yes sir. I'm starting school as a fifth-year." "how extraordinary" fig says "it is indeed, none of the faculty has ever heard of anyone being admitted to Hogwarts so late."

"Nor have I" "of course as the other fifth-years wills have been honing their magical skills for four years now, the headmaster asked if I could get our new student up to speed a bit before the term begins."

"Well you couldn't have asked for a better mentor. Professor fig is not only an exceptional teacher he's also a remarkably intuitive and gifted wizard."

"Mr. Osric is prone to flattery. I dare say it's one of the reasons he's risen so far at the ministry."

"Have you seen this?" he pulls out a newspaper, the article regarding Ranrok and a goblin rebellion.

"I have. Opinions differ as to how great a threat Ranrok really is." As the two men discuss the topic I look out the window. My attention getting caught by a large shadow emerging through clouds. "Although I've yet to convince my colleagues at the ministry. I believe he is a significant threat" George finishes his thought. "And it was your wife, Eleazar, who alerted me to his activities months ago."

"Miriam? How?"

"she wrote to me about Ranrok before she died. Wondering what the ministry knew about his activities. Before I could respond..." he pulls out some weird looking container "I received this. It was the last thing she sent me Eleazar. It came to me via her owl. But with no correspondence. I can only assume..." professor chimes in "that she had to get rid of it quickly. To keep it safe." "presumably from Ranrok. I... I cannot open it. Whatever magic protects this, is powerful indeed."

"It looks like goblin metal. That symbol.." I get a closer look and notice a spark. " what's that glow?" "I don't see a glow." "Nor do I" professor hands me the container. As soon as I take it in both of my hand, the container opens, revealing a key.

"Merlin's beard! How did you?" George asks "Wait..."

Those being the last words of George Osric before the huge shadowy figure that appeared to be a dragon devours him and the half of the carriage that he was siting in. Leaving me and professor Fig holding onto the ends of our seats for dear life. Right before my eyes appears two pairs of winged black as raven creatures pulling the half of carriage. The coachman encourages them to fly faster, so our lives could be saved. But appears there is no time left as the dragon draws closer and closer to us ready to torch us into pile of ashes. There's a second where professor grabs my hand tight and shouts "Jump!" Just at that moment as we are falling into our death we see the strange key from the locket falling tad below us. Professor cast accio on the key and we are being teleported somewhere none of us could predicted.

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