2 - Big bang

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Wandering around Hogwarts corridors with Professor Weasley was quit the best tour Kathryn has ever had. She couldn’t help herself not to feel mesmerized by all the magic surrounding her. Her breath was taken away. All those moving portraits and changing staircases. And even the fact that she had the advantage of using some weird powder ‘floo flames’ to teleport herself from one place to another. During the time, Professor informed Kathryn about an upcoming O.W.L. examination at the end of the year. It is supposed to determine what type of carrier one should pursue after Hogwarts.

“And here we are. Quite the time saver, isn’t it?” Mrs. Weasley expressed her excitement as we were standing in the Central Hall. “That is all for now miss Swan. You’ll be expected today to attend both Charm and Defence against the dark arts classes. Also, I’d like to be sure that you’ll get to Hogsmeade as soon as possible, to replace the supplies you lost on the way here.”

“Thank you, professor.”

“A lot to absorb on your first day but I believe you’ll manage. Come and find me in my classroom after you attended all classes for today so I can arrange your trip to Hogsmeade.”

“Very well. I will try my best.” The two of them after a second separated their own ways, proffesor went to her transfiguration class. And Kathryn went to her first magical lesson, Charms. Walking in the classroom the girl immediately notices that both, Ominis and Sebastian are having this class too. Giving Sebastian a smile as he notices her standing in middle of room.  Ominis on the other hand, had his attention occupied by a Hufflepuff girl. Kat couldn’t help but wonder who was she and what was she doing talking to the blind Slytherin. The girl is quickly caught starring and Hufflepuff whispers something to his ear, making Ominis turn his head towards Kathryn.

“Over here!” Kathryn hears girl shout. “Behind you.” There she is, Griffindor girl in back, sitting in upper corner of class. “There’s an open seat here.” She smiles and gestures a seat beside her. She may not know but she just saved Kathryn a lifetime of embarrassment. Her cheeks still slightly pink from being caught.

“Thank you” The newest Slytherin chuckles on her way up. She scratched her head nervously, thinking that her blooming crush might been to obvious.
“Hello, I’m Natty.” She scoots over, making more room for Kat. “So, you’re the new student. Already found a boy you’re interested in?” Natty nudges her shoulder playfully as the girl blushed even more than before. “Have you met Professor Ronan yet?” Kat manages to shake her head just in time as professor makes an entrance from his office upstairs.

“Shall we begin?” he asks the classroom excitedly. “Welcome to year five of charms. Now, this will be crucial year in your education on the art of charm work.” Professor makes his way down energetically. “But I am confident that we will take hold with a passion and rigor requisite of such a challenge.” Kathryn turns her head at Natty seeing the same exact expression on her face that she was holding.

The girl could no longer contain herself, covering her mouth to not let a laugh escape. It was clear for her by now, why the classmate asked her the earlier question. “Right, now everyone please open your textbooks to page five, one, seven… But before we begin, can anyone here tell me the difference between the incantations of the color change and growth charms?” Natty pushes her textbook to Kat, with a subtle smile. She probably knew the stress the girl was in. To Kathryn it didn’t seem even remotely fair to be expected the knowledge that everyone else probably knew by now. Well in her thoughts they should.

“Anyone?” Professor looks around the class, carefully choosing his student victim. “A, a, a… It is not the time to study now.” As Kat quickly rummages through the pages the book gets snatched away right from her hands. Leaving the girl with a slightly open mouth and wide eyes. Bloody hell, the girl cursed under her nose while scrunching her brows. Her head became a tsunami of feelings, embarrassment, shock, fear, anger. Her hands went under the table so no one could see her forming fists. All the girl could of think of was how unfair it was. She didn’t have the bloody four years of advantage to learn magic like everyone else in that class.

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