Chapter 6: Getting to know the system- part (2)

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**I can see that I have some stat points with me, should I try allocating them somewhere?**

**But what exactly do these stats mean Drake?

[To start off, there is the (strength) stat. It represents how physically powerful you are and your damage output with melee weapons, your ability to carry heavy objects and other physical tasks.

(Dexterity) represents your physical speed, overall nimbleness and physical coordination and balance. You should also note that Strength may also affect your physical speed.

(Endurance) represents your overall toughness and stamina. It also affects your health. The more endurance you have the more you can withstand damage and you will be able to perform physical activities for a longer period of time without needing a break

(Intelligence) represents your ability to understand and learn complex concepts. It also affects your magic damage. Your intelligence stat is abnormally high since you were a Draconic in your previous life.

(Magic) represents the damage and effectiveness of your magic spells.

(Health) represents how much damage you can take before you become incapacitated or defeated. Health stat is influenced by many factors such as your strength, Endurance and the equipments you are wearing.]

**That's a lot of information. I am glad I asked you before allocating all my points in random stats.**

[I suggest you not to allocate stat points for now. Your body is currently of a baby's. When you allocate points, your body undergoes changes to get used to the new strength, the stress of that process will be too much for your body to handle.]

**So when can I allocate them?**

[ I suggest you wait for five years before you start allocating your points. But even then, do so in a limit and let your body grow naturally After 12 years you can start allocating them however you wish to.]

**That's a lot of waiting.**


**Now that I think about it, I remember seeing something called Innate abilities.....

**This is it**

‌[Name]:Cassian Talen [Exp]: 500.2
[Age]: 32 days
[Race]: Human
[Titles]: None
[Innate abilities]:
(Absolute immunity)
(Hastened Regeneration)
(Dragon eyes)
(Sixth sense)

[These were some of the abilities you had in your previous life. Right now they are not as powerful as they were in your previous life and some of their effects are sealed, but they can be unsealed as you grow more powerful.]

[For now this is what you are capable of doing...]

[(Absolute immunity)- You are immune to all kinds of Disease, Poisons, mind invasions and Status effects.

(Hastened Regeneration)- Your regeneration speed is increased by 5 times. It is explosively increased when sleeping.

(Dragon eyes)- You are able to see from great distances, see in the dark and through objects and illusions.

(Sixth sense)- You can sense incoming danger and also discern its trajectory. You can sense changes in the world and fluctuations of mana in your surroundings.]

**I definitely had such abilities but just like you said they are far too weak.

**Let's one seems to be in the house right now and I guess my sister is still sleeping, just to make sure though, I'll use Dragon eyes. I have to make sure no one sees me using magic.**

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